Scheduled Export: GOBD Admin Charge Code Actions Export
To set up a scheduled export for the GOBD Admin Charge Code Actions Export, navigate to Reports > Schedule a Report/Export > Scheduled Exports > + NEW EXPORT SCHEDULE > GOBD Admin Charge Code Actions Export. This export will record all the below admin charge code actions for the date range selected:
- Update/edit charge code actions
- Create charge code action
- Delete charge code action
Please note, this export is a legal requirement for Germany and must be enabled by Customer Support.
The first step is to select a TIME PERIOD from within Export Parameters. You can select a Date Range (FROM DATE and TO DATE). Please note, the date range is limited to three months prior to the current date up to the current date. You cannot select a date in the future. Then, you can choose whether or not to INCLUDE CSV HEADER. Selecting INCLUDE CSV HEADER will show the Hotel Code, Hotel Name, Generated Date, Generated Time, and Report Name.
You can now move onto Schedule Details, where you can indicate how often the export REPEATS. Select from Run Once or Run During EOD.
If you select Run Once, you'll be prompted to enter information for the following fields:
- STARTS ON: Choose a date for when the export starts.
- STARTS AT: Choose a time for the export to start.
If you select Run During EOD, you'll be prompted to enter information for the following fields:
- STARTS ON: Choose a date for when the export starts.
- STARTS AT: Choose a time for the export to start.
- ENDS ON: Indicate when the export ends.
- AFTER NO. PER: Ends after a specified number of End of Day cycles.
- ON: Ends on a specific date.
- NEVER: The export delivery never ends.
Finally, you can move onto Distribution List, where you can select a DELIVERY METHOD. Choose from either Email Export Delivery Type, SFTP Export Delivery Type, Google Drive, or Dropbox.
If you select Email Export Delivery Type, enter email addresses to receive the export from the ADD RECIPIENT field. Type the email address. Pause. Then hit enter. Email addresses will then appear below.
If you select SFTP Export Delivery Type, select a SFTP RECIPIENT.
If you select Google Drive, choose from a pre-configured Google Drive account. You can learn how to configure a Google Drive account here.
If you select Dropbox, choose from a pre-configured Dropbox account. You can learn how to configure a Dropbox account here. Please note, as of the v5.54 release, we have implemented changes to the existing workflow of Dropbox account settings. If you have any existing scheduled exports with a delivery method of Dropbox, and you fail to receive exports, please remove the old Dropbox account from Settings > Hotel & Staff > Dropbox and create a new Dropbox account.
Once you've selected a delivery method, you can click CREATE SCHEDULE to begin receiving the scheduled export.
The scheduled export will appear in your list of scheduled exports from Reports > Schedule a Report/Export > Scheduled Exports. You can also click on the scheduled export and then select RUN NOW to have the report delivered to your delivery method now.
The scheduled export you receive to the selected delivery method will be in CSV format and will look something like the below screenshot depending on the parameters set.