Posting Charges in Stayntouch PMS
With the POST CHARGES button in Stayntouch PMS, you can quickly locate a reservation and post a specific charge to a reservation's bill. With that said, there are two ways to post charges in Stayntouch PMS.
The first way to post charges in Stayntouch PMS is to navigate to Front Desk > Post Charges. In the popup window, you can locate a reservation by entering the room number, guest, company, or travel agent. Posting charges is only possible for reservations that are due to arrive or in house.
When you click on the reservation, you will be able to post charges to the guest bill. You can view different charge groups by clicking the dropdown menu.
Once you have selected a charge group, you can select a charge, indicate the quantity, choose which bill to route charges to, and then select POST CHARGE.
If the guest has not checked in yet, it will display the message below. Simply click POST CHARGE to proceed.
The other option for posting charges is to open the guest stay card and post charges from there. Once on the stay card, navigate to BILL & CHARGES and select the orange ADD CHARGE button.
Like before, you can click the dropdown menu to choose a specific charge group, select a charge, choose which bill to route charges to, and then indicate the quantity.
Please note, you can also delete charges by selecting an item and clicking the trash can icon next to the POST CHARGE button (if the necessary permissions for posting charges have been granted from Settings > Hotel & Staff > Permissions).
Furthermore, if a guest has routing in place, you can view the charges in the tab to which the charges are routed.
The above explains how to post charges in Stayntouch PMS. For more information, view this video or contact Customer Support.