Custom Exports
You create customized exports in Stayntouch PMS from Reports > Schedule a Report/Export > Custom Exports. Please note, in order for a user to have access to custom exports, they need to be assigned the Export Reports permission from Settings > Hotel & Staff > Permissions.
Once on the Custom Exports page, you will be able to create a custom export by selecting the +NEW EXPORT button. Custom exports can then be configured by choosing from the available options. Once an option is selected, the available fields for this option will be available for selection to be included in the export. Below are the available options:
The Allotment option contains allotment related data fields and will export one row per allotment record.
The Company option contains company related data fields and will export one row per company record.
The Financial Transaction option contains financial transactions related data fields and will export one row per financial transaction.
The Group option contains group related data fields and will export one row per group record.
The Guests option contains guest related data fields and will export one row per guest record.
The Reservation option contains reservation related data fields and will export one row per reservation record.
The Stays option contains stay related data fields and will export one row per stay date.
The Travel Agent option contains travel agent related data fields and will export one row per travel agent record.
You can name your export by entering an EXPORT NAME at the bottom of the screen and selecting SAVE EXPORT. The naming convention is up to whoever creates the exports. There is a technical limitation of 255 characters in this field; however, we recommend not maxing out this limitation, as the name will display on the configured exports list and will be used as the file name when the CSV is created, therefore making longer names impractical. Other than that, custom exports can be named freely, as they were designed so that if there are multiple exports configured using the same option, you can differentiate between the various exports. Please note, we have updated the custom export naming convention so that you cannot use a forward slash (/) in the export name.
Stayntouch PMS will also prompt you to SELECT OUTPUT FORMAT as either CSV, XML, or JSON format.
When you choose to run your custom export, you will be able to select which fields you would like to include in your export. You can select as many or as few fields as you desire.
Fields Available for Allotment Data:
ID Fields | ||
Allotment ID | The unique database ID for the allotment. | Numeric |
General Fields | ||
| The allotment name as given by the hotel within the PMS. | Alpha (i.e., Delta Airlines Flight Crew) |
| The allotment code given by the hotel within the PMS. | Alpha (i.e., DLTA) |
Contact First Name
| The first name of the contact assigned to the allotment within the PMS. | Alpha |
Contact Last Name
| The last name of the contact assigned to the allotment within the PMS. | Alpha |
Contact Email
| The email of the contact assigned to the allotment within the PMS. | |
Contact Phone
| The phone number of the contact assigned to the allotment within the PMS. | Phone number |
Reservation Type | The reservation type assigned to the allotment within the demographic selections. | Alpha (based on selection) |
Market | The market assigned to the allotment within the demographic selections. | Alpha (based on selection)
Source | The source assigned to the allotment within the demographic selections. | Alpha (based on selection)
Origin | The origin assigned to the allotment within the demographic selections. | Alpha (based on selection)
Segment | The segment assigned to the allotment within the demographic selections. | Alpha (based on selection)
Hold Status | The current status of the allotment. | Definite, Tentative, Cancel |
Contracted Rooms | The number of rooms currently held for the contracted allotment. | Numeric |
Blocked Rooms | The number of rooms blocked within the contract. | Numeric |
Picked Up Rooms | Number of rooms picked up under the allotment. | Numeric |
Picked Up Percent | The percentage of the allotment picked up. | Numeric (0-100) |
Available Rooms | The number of rooms currently available under the allotment. | Numeric |
Date Fields | ||
Release Date | The release date assigned to the allotment. | Date (or empty) |
Start Date | The start date of the allotment. | Date |
End Date | The end date of the allotment. | Date |
Financial Fields | ||
Rate Code | The rate code assigned to the allotment. | Alpha |
Fields Available for Company Data:
ID Fields | ||
Company ID | The unique database ID for the company. | Numeric |
General Fields | ||
Hotel Chain Code | The code for the global chain your hotel is a part of. Alternatively, this will be the hotel code if the hotel is not part of a chain. | Alpha |
Name | The name of the company given by the hotel within the PMS. | Alpha |
Address | The address of the company entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Alpha/Numeric |
Address2 | The second line of the address of the company entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Alpha/Numeric |
Address3 | The third line of the address of the company entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Alpha/Numeric |
City | The city of the company entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Alpha |
Postal Code | The postal code of the company entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Numeric |
State | The state of the company entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Alpha |
Country | The country of the company entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Alpha |
Phone | The phone number of the company entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Numeric |
Fax | The fax number of the company entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Numeric |
The email associated with the company entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Alpha/Numeric | |
Corporate ID | The unique company ID assigned to the company by the hotel. | Numeric |
Contact First Name | The first name of the contact assigned to the company within the PMS. | Alpha |
Contact Last Name | The last name of the contact assigned to the company within the PMS. | Alpha |
Contact Phone | The phone number of the contact assigned to the company within the PMS. | Numeric |
Contact Email | The email of the contact assigned to the company within the PMS. | Alpha/Numeric |
Global | Describes whether the company is a global company card or not. | Yes/No |
Tax ID | The tax ID entered within the PMS for the company. | Alpha |
Contract Booked Nights | The number of nights booked as per the contract. | Numeric |
Contract Total Nights | The number of total nights stayed as per the contract. | Numeric |
Contract Total Stays | The total stays as per the contract. | Numeric |
Financial Fields | ||
Contract Revenue | The revenue as per the contract. | Numeric |
Contract ADR | The ADR for the company as per the contract. | Numeric |
Fields Available for Financial Transactions Data:
Date Fields | ||
Transaction Date | Date of the transaction. | Date |
Transaction Time | Time of the transaction. | Date/Time |
General Fields | ||
Hotel Code | The code for your hotel within the Stayntouch database. | Alpha/Numeric |
Charge Code | The charge code associated with the transaction. | Numeric |
Charge Code Desc | The description of the charge code. | Alpha |
Reference | Any details entered into the reference field when the transaction is processed. | Alpha |
Room Type | The current room type for the stay. | Alpha |
Rate Code | Rate code at the time of transaction. | Alpha |
Source | The source of the reservation associated with the transaction. | Alpha |
Origin | The origin of the reservation associated with the transaction. | Alpha |
Market | The market of the reservation associated with the transaction. | Alpha |
Segment | The segment of the reservation associated with the transaction. | Alpha |
Reservation Number | The unique ID of the reservation. | Numeric |
External Reference Number | The reference number for the transaction provided during processing. | Numeric |
Guest Name | The full name of the guest (first and last). | Alpha |
Company Name | The name of the company associated with the reservation. | Alpha |
Travel Agent | The name of the travel agent associated with the reservation. | Alpha |
Group Name | The name of the group associated with the reservation. | Alpha |
Account Number | The account number of the account associated with the transaction. | Numeric |
Bill Number | The bill number within the stay with which the charge is associated. | Numeric |
A/R Invoice Number | The A/R invoice number associated with the financial transaction. | Numeric |
Invoice Number | The invoice number associated with the financial transaction. | Numeric |
Folio Number | The folio number associated with the financial transaction. | Numeric |
Room Number | The room number associated with a reservation. | Alpha/Numeric |
CC Payment Reference | The credit payment reference number. | Numeric |
Pre-Stay | Identifies the charge as pre-stay. | Yes/No |
Post-Stay | Identifies the charge as post-stay. | Yes/No |
User Name | The name of the user who processed the transaction. | Alpha |
Charge Group | The charge group associated with the transaction. | Alpha |
Charge Type | The charge type associated with the transaction. | Alpha |
Transaction Details | Any details associated with the transaction. | Alpha/Numeric |
Financial Fields | ||
Currency | The currency of the transaction. | Alpha |
Amount | The amount of the transaction. | Numeric (decimal) |
Database ID Fields | ||
Financial Transaction ID | The unique database ID for the financial transaction. | Numeric |
Guest Card ID | The unique database ID for the guest card associated with the stay. | Numeric |
Company Card ID | The unique database ID for the company card associated with the stay. | Numeric |
TA Card ID | The unique database ID for the TA card associated with the stay. | Numeric |
Group ID | The unique database ID for the group associated with the stay. | Numeric |
Fields Available for Group Data:
Date Fields | ||
Release Date | The date the room block will be released. | Date |
Start Date | The start date for the room block. | Date |
End Date | The end date for the room block. | Date |
General Fields | ||
Hotel Code | The code for your hotel within the Stayntouch database. | Alpha/Numeric |
Code | The group code associated with the group within the PMS. | Alpha |
Reservation Type | The reservation type configured in the group. |
Hold Status | The status of the group reservation. | Definite, Cancel, User Defined |
Tax Exempt | Is the group tax exempt? | Yes/No |
Rate Code | The rate code attached to the group. | Alpha |
Source | The source code associated with the group. | Alpha |
Origin | The origin code associated with the group. | Alpha |
Market | The market code associated with the group. | Alpha |
Segment | The segment code associated with the group. | Alpha |
Contact First Name | The first name of the primary contact for the group. | Alpha |
Contact Last Name | The last name of the primary contact for the group. | Alpha |
Contact Email | The email address for the primary contact for the group. | Alpha |
Contact Phone | The phone number for the primary contact for the group. | Phone |
Name | The name of the group. | Alpha |
Blocked Rooms | The number of rooms blocked within the group. | Numeric |
Picked Up Rooms | The number of rooms currently picked up from the block. | Numeric |
Picked Up Percent | The percentage of rooms picked up out of rooms blocked. | Numeric |
Available Rooms | The number of rooms available for the group block. | Numeric |
Account Name | The name of the account associated with the group. | Alpha |
Account Number
| The account number of the account associated with the group. | Numeric |
Financial Fields | ||
Deposit Paid | The deposit amount paid. | Numeric (decimal) |
Actual Revenue | The revenue actually received from a group. | Numeric |
Potential Revenue | The revenue expected based on the block room rates. | Numeric |
Balance | The outstanding revenue unpaid on the group. | Numeric |
Database ID Fields | ||
Group ID | The unique database ID for the group associated with the stay. | Numeric |
Fields Available for Guests Data:
ID Fields | ||
Guest ID | The unique database ID for the guest associated with the reservation. | Numeric |
Chain ID | The ID of the associated chain of the hotel (if applicable). | Numeric |
General Fields | ||
Chain Code | The code of the associated chain of the hotel (if applicable). | Alpha/Numeric |
City | City of the guest. | Alpha |
Postal Code | Postal code of the guest. | Alpha |
Country | Country of the guest. | Alpha |
State | State of the guest. | Alpha |
First Name | First name of the guest. | Alpha |
Title | Title of the guest. | Alpha |
Language | Guest language. | Alpha |
Nationality | Guest nationality. | Alpha |
VIP | Is the guest a VIP? | True/False |
Last Name | Last name of the guest. | Alpha |
Birth Date | Guest birth date. | Alpha |
Guest email. | Alpha | |
Address | Guest address. | Alpha/Numeric |
Address2 | Guest address line 2. | Alpha/Numeric |
Phone | Guest primary phone number. | Numeric |
Mobile | Guest mobile phone number. | Numeric |
Flagged | Has the guest been flagged? | True/False |
Flagged Reason | Reason the guest was flagged. | Alpha/Numeric |
Fields Available for Reservation Data:
IDs: These IDs are used to connect data in different files within the database and are generally not visible within the PMS. | ||
Reservation ID | The unique ID of the reservation. | Numeric |
Hotel Code | The code for your hotel within the Stayntouch database. | Alpha/Numeric |
Guest ID | The unique database ID for the guest associated with the reservation. | Numeric |
Market ID | The unique database ID for the market associated with the reservation. | Numeric |
Source ID | The unique database ID for the source associated with the reservation. | Numeric |
Origin ID | The unique database ID for the origin associated with the reservation. | Numeric |
Segment ID | The unique database ID for the segment associated with the reservation. | Numeric |
Group ID | The unique database ID for the group associated with the reservation. | Numeric |
Company ID
| The unique database ID for the company associated with the reservation. | Numeric |
Travel Agent ID
| The unique database ID for the travel agent associated with the reservation. | Numeric |
General Fields | ||
Company | The name of the company associated with the reservation. | Alpha |
Travel Agent | The name of the travel agent associated with the reservation. | Alpha |
Arrival Room Type | The room type assigned to the reservation at the point of arrival. | Alpha |
Departure Room Type | The room type assigned to the reservation at the time of departure. | Alpha |
Arrival Room Number | The room number assigned to the reservation at the time of arrival. | Alpha |
Departure Room Number | The room number assigned to the reservation at the time of departure. | Alpha |
Guest Gender | The gender of the guest associated with the reservation. | Alpha |
Membership | Membership program associated with the guest attached to reservation. | Alpha |
Membership Level | Membership level associated with the guest attached to reservation. | Alpha |
Arrival Rate Code | Rate code at time of arrival. | Alpha |
Adults | Number of adults in the party. | Alpha |
Children | Number of children in the party. | Alpha |
Nights | Total nights booked as part of the reservation. | Alpha |
Check-In (CI) Agent | Hotel agent who checked in the guest. | Alpha |
Check-Out (CO) Agent | Hotel agent who checked out the guest. | Alpha |
Check-In (CI) Application | The application used to check in the guest; could be PMS, Kiosk, or Mobility. | Application used will display |
Check-Out (CO) Application | The application used to check in the guest; could be PMS, Kiosk, or Mobility. | Application used will display |
Primary Payment Method | Payment method for the reservation. | Alpha |
Reservation Status | Current status of the reservation. | CANCELLED, CHECKED-OUT, RESERVED, NO SHOW, or CHECKED-IN |
Confirmation Number | Confirmation number used as a search identifier within the PMS. | Numeric |
Active | Status of the reservation record. | True/False |
Stay Type | Nightly or Day Use reservation. | N/D |
Lead Days | Number of days prior to arrival that the reservation was created. | Numeric |
Hotel Name | Name of hotel in the PMS. | Alpha |
Market Code | The market associated with the reservation. | Alpha |
Source Code | The source associated with the reservation. | Alpha |
Segment Code | The segment associated with the reservation. | Alpha |
Origin Code | The origin associated with the reservation. | Alpha |
Group Name | The name of the group associated with the reservation. | Alpha |
Title | Title of the guest. | Alpha |
First Name | First name of the guest. | Alpha |
Last Name | Last name of the guest. | Alpha |
Address | Guest address. | Alpha |
Address2 | Guest address line 2. | Alpha |
City | City of the guest. | Alpha |
Postal Code | Postal code of the guest. | Alpha |
State | State of the guest. | Alpha |
Country | Country of the guest. | Alpha |
Guest email. | Alpha | |
Phone | Guest primary phone number. | Alpha |
Mobile | Guest mobile phone number. | Alpha |
Language | Guest language. | Alpha |
Birth Date | Guest birth date. | Alpha |
Nationality | Guest nationality. | Alpha |
VIP | Is the guest a VIP? | True/False |
Vehicle Registration Number | Guest vehicle registration number. | Alpha/Numeric |
Do Not Move | Can the guest reservation be moved? | Yes/No |
External System | External system used to book the reservation. | Alpha |
External System Reference | External system reference number provided by the external reference system. | Alpha/Numeric |
Date Fields | ||
Arrival Date | The date of arrival for the reservation. | Date |
Departure Date | The date of arrival for the reservation. | Date |
Created at HZ | The creation date/time of the reservation in the hotel’s time zone. | Date/Time
ETA HZ | The arrival date/time of the reservation in the hotel’s time zone. | Date/Time
ETD HZ | The departure date/time of the reservation in the hotel’s time zone. | Date/Time
Time of Check-In (CI) HZ | Actual time of check-in. | Time |
Time of Check-Out (CO) HZ | Actual time of check-out. | Time |
Updated At | The date/time of last update to the reservation. | Date/Time |
Cancel Date | The date of cancellation for the reservation. | Date |
Financial Fields | ||
ADR | Average daily rate. | Numeric, decimal |
First Night Price | Price of the first night of stay. | Numeric, decimal |
Last Night Price | Price of the last night of stay. | Numeric, decimal |
Fields Available for Stays Data:
Date Fields | ||
Date | The stay date. If a stay was for multiple days, each row in the file will have a specific stay date, and the stay will have multiple rows. | Date |
Updated At | The date/time of last update to the reservation. | Date/Time |
General Fields | ||
Rate Code | The rate code for the stay. | Alpha |
Hotel Code | The code for your hotel within the Stayntouch database. | Alpha/Numeric |
Confirmation Number | Confirmation number used as a search identifier within the PMS. | Numeric |
Reservation Status | Current status of the reservation. | CANCELLED, CHECKED-OUT, RESERVED, NO SHOW, CHECKED-IN |
Room Type | The current room type for the stay. | Alpha |
Room Number | The current room number for the stay. | Alpha |
Block Count | The number of rooms blocked within the group for the room type and date. | Numeric |
Arrival Room Count | Room count for the arrival day; will always be 1 or 0. | Numeric |
Departure Room Count | Room count for the departure day; will always be 1 or 0. | Numeric |
Reservation ID | The unique ID of the reservation. | Numeric |
Stay Type | Nightly or Day Use reservation. | N/A |
Hotel Name | The name of the hotel in the PMS. | Alpha |
Company | The name of the company associated with the stay. | Alpha |
Travel Agent | The name of the travel agent associated with the stay. | Alpha |
Chain Code | The code of the associated chain of the hotel (if applicable). | Alpha |
Chain Name | The name of the associated chain of the hotel (if applicable). | Alpha |
Market Code | The market associated with the reservation. | Alpha |
Source Code | The source associated with the reservation. | Alpha |
Segment Code | The segment associated with the reervation. | Alpha |
Booking Origin Code | The origin associated with the reservation. | Alpha |
Allotment Name | The name of the allotment associated with the stay. | Alpha |
Group Name | The name of the group associated with the stay. | Alpha |
Account Name | The name of the group associated with the stay. | Alpha |
Adults | The number of adults associated with the stay. | Numeric |
Children | The number of children associated with the stay. | Numeric |
External System | External system used to book the reservation. | Alpha |
External System Reference | External system reference number provided by the external reference system. | Alpha/Numeric |
Financial Fields | ||
Rate Amount | Actual rate for the stay date. | Numeric (decimal) |
Payment | The amount of the payment made on the stay. | Numeric (decimal) |
Original Rate Amount | Booked rate for stay date. | Numeric (decimal) |
Sold | Whether the room was sold or not. | 1/0 |
Room Revenue | Room charge revenue. | Numeric (decimal) |
Add-On Revenue | Revenue associated with add-ons. | Numeric (decimal) |
FNB Revenue | Revenue associated with food and beverage. | Numeric (decimal) |
Other Revenue | Revenue outside of one of the other categories. | Numeric (decimal) |
Tax Revenue | Revenue associated with tax charges. | Numeric (decimal) |
Fee Revenue | Revenue associated with fee charges. | Numeric (decimal) |
Total Revenue | Total revenue associated with the stay. | Numeric (decimal) |
Tourist Tax Revenue | Revenue associated with tourist taxes. | Numeric (decimal) |
Tax Exempt Type | Tax exempt type associated with the stay. | Alpha |
ID Fields | ||
Market ID | The unique database ID for the market associated with the stay. | Numeric |
Source ID | The unique database ID for the source associated with the stay. | Numeric |
Booking Origin ID | The unique database ID for the origin associated with the stay. | Numeric |
Segment ID | The unique database ID for the segment associated with the stay. | Numeric |
Room Type ID | The unique database ID for the room type associated with the stay. | Numeric |
Room ID | The unique database ID for the room associated with the stay. | Numeric |
Allotment ID | The unique database ID for the allotment associated with the stay. | Numeric |
Group ID | The unique database ID for the group associated with the stay. | Numeric |
Posting Account ID | The unique database ID for the posting account associated with the stay. | Numeric |
Fields Available for Travel Agent Data:
ID Fields | ||
Travel Agent ID | The unique database ID for the travel agent associated with the reservation. | Numeric |
Tax ID | The tax ID entered within the PMS for the company. | Alpha |
General Fields | ||
Hotel Chain Code | The ID of the associated chain of the hotel (if applicable). | Alpha/Numeric |
Name | The name of the travel agent given by the hotel within the PMS. | Alpha |
Address | The address of the travel agent entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Alpha/Numeric |
Address2 | The second line of the address of the travel agent entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Alpha/Numeric |
Address3 | The third line of the address of the travel agent entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Alpha/Numeric |
City | The city of the travel agent entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Alpha |
Postal Code | The postal code of the travel agent entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Numeric |
State | The state of the travel agent entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Alpha |
Country | The country of the travel agent entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Alpha |
Phone | The phone number of the travel agent entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Numeric |
Fax | The fax number of the travel agent entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Numeric |
The email associated with the travel agent entered by the hotel within the PMS. | Alpha/Numeric | |
IATA Number | The unique travel agent IATA number assigned to the travel agent by the hotel. | Numeric |
Contact First Name | The first name of the contact assigned to the travel agent within the PMS. | Alpha |
Contact Last Name | The last name of the contact assigned to the travel agent within the PMS. | Alpha |
Contact Phone | The phone number of the contact assigned to the travel agent within the PMS. | Numeric |
Contact Email | The email of the contact assigned to the travel agent within the PMS. | Alpha/Numeric |
Global | Describes whether the travel agent is a global travel agent card or not. | Yes/No |
Contract Booked Nights | The number of nights booked as per the contract. | Numeric |
Contract Total Nights | The number of total nights stayed as per the contract. | Numeric |
Contract Total Stays | The total stays as per the contract. | Numeric |
Financial Fields | ||
Contract Revenue | The revenue as per the contract. | Numeric |
Contract ADR | The ADR for the travel agent as per the contract. | Numeric |
Once you have indicated which fields you would like to include in your export, you can set the order in which you’d like them displayed as well as customize the labels as appropriate for your hotel. To customize a label, simply click into the field and begin typing a new label. Custom labels will appear in black font. Likewise, to rearrange the order of the fields, simply drag and drop the fields as desired.
To add a filter for your export, simply select +ADD FILTER and choose to filter by Duration, Range, Options, or General. Please note, you can also select multiple filters of the same type.
Duration filters are available for fields that represent a date range filter. If you choose to filter by Duration, you will be asked to select a field under FIELD NAME and then a DURATION.
Range filters are available for fields that represent values. If you select Range, you will need to enter a FIELD NAME and RANGE OPTIONS.
Options filters are available for fields where specific codes/options are configured for the property, and Stayntouch PMS will list all configured options for the property to be selected as a filter. Selecting Options will also prompt you to select a FIELD NAME and choose the desired filter options from the OPTIONS dropdown menu.
General filters are predefined for guests and reservation data. Selecting General will prompt you to select a FIELD NAME and choose the desired filter options from the GENERAL dropdown menu.
From the Frequency field you can configure the custom export frequency by the following:
- REPEATS: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Run Once, Run During EOD
- REPEATS EVERY: Number of Days, Hours, Weeks, Months (This must be 1 or greater. If you enter 0 or leave it blank, it will never send.)
- STARTS ON: Select a day for your custom export to start.
- STARTS AT: Select a time for your custom export to start.
- After number of Days, Hours, Weeks, Months
- On a date
- Never
Finally, you can select a DELIVERY METHOD for your custom export from the following options:
- Email Export Delivery Type: Enter an email address to which to send the export from the ADD RECIPIENT field. Type the email address. Pause. Then hit enter. Email addresses will then appear as illustrated in the below example.
- SFTP Export Delivery Type: Select an SFTP Server to which to send the export. This must be configured from Settings > Hotel & Staff > SFTP Servers.
- Google Drive: Select a Google Drive location to which to send the export. This must be configured from Settings > Hotel & Staff > Google Drive. You can learn how to configure a Google Drive account here.
- Dropbox: Select a Dropbox location to which to send the export. This must be configured from Settings > Hotel & Staff > Dropbox. You can learn how to configure a Dropbox account here. Please note, as of the v5.54 release, we have implemented changes to the existing workflow of Dropbox account settings. If you have any existing custom exports with a delivery method of Dropbox, and you fail to receive exports, please remove the old Dropbox account from Settings > Hotel & Staff > Dropbox and create a new Dropbox account.
Upon entering all of the above information, select SAVE EXPORT, and your custom export will be available for selection on the Custom Exports page. From here, you can add new exports, edit or delete existing exports as desired.