How to Add a Charge
To add a charge in Stayntouch PMS, retrieve a reservation record and select the BILL & CHARGES button from the stay card.
From the Guest Bill screen, you'll see a tab for BILL #1 (and any other bill tabs you may have added already). You'll also see the arrival and departure date for the reservation, and you can click into the rate values to see information about the rate and any packages that might be associated with this reservation.
If you click the ADD CHARGE button, you may get a POSTINGS ARE NOT PERMITTED FOR THIS RESERVATION message. If you navigate back to the stay card, you should make sure the RESTRICT POST toggle is turned OFF in order for you to proceed with posting charges without this message. Please note, only users with the correct permissions can override this (either by turning OFF the RESTRICT POST toggle or by selecting PROCEED WITH POST CHARGES when the POSTINGS ARE NOT PERMITTED FOR THIS RESERVATION message appears).
Upon selecting the ADD CHARGE button, you'll be prompted with a POST CHARGE TO BILL window. Favorites are shown on the left hand side of the window, and these can be defined by your property. You can go ahead and select items to add to the guest bill and enter a quantity by selecting a number and then clicking the QTY button. You'll notice the price updates as you do so.
If you want to change the quantity back to 1, simply click the back button with the x in the center. You can update the price of an item by clicking the PR button and entering in a new price. You can easily revert the price to the original price by selecting the back button again.
You can also delete the charge entirely by selecting the red trash can button.
You can then select a new item, enter a REFERENCE & DESCRIPTION, and select POST CHARGE. Notice the SHOW REFERENCE ON GUEST INVOICE is selected, meaning this should show on the guest invoice.
After selecting POST CHARGE, you'll see the charge group on the top of the screen, which can be expanding to show minibar charges for $25.00. You'll also see the charge further down on the Guest Bill.
If you select ADD CHARGE again, you can take a look at the various charge groups.
If you click the dropdown menu where it currently says Favorite, you can view each charge group within your hotel and see the listed charge codes that correspond with that charge group. Notice that each item can be seen in its corresponding charge group, but we can also see All Charge Groups by selecting that option.
You can also post an adjustment as an ADD CHARGE. In this case, we're going to say that the white wine we posted was incorrect, and we want to adjust this from the bill. You can do so by clicking ADD CHARGE, selecting the white wine again, and selecting the minus (+/-) button to make it a negative posting. If enabled for your property, an ADJUSTMENT REASON can be selected, and justification can be entered in the REFERENCE & DESCRIPTION field. You can choose to SHOW REFERENCE ON GUEST INVOICE or not.
Now that the adjustment has been posted, you'll want to move your charge and adjustment to a new bill window, so the guest does not see the incorrect posting. To do so, select the BILL # dropdown menu to the right of the charge and the adjustment and move them to 2 (new bill). If you then navigate to BILL #2, you'll notice a $0.00 balance for this particular bill.
If you navigate back to BILL #1, you can proceed with posting the correct item following the steps illustrated earlier in this article.
The above article illustrates how to add a charge in Stayntouch PMS. For more information, see this video or contact Customer Support.