Zingle Guest Communication
Zingle has created an API integration that allows for guest communication via text messaging and other systems for hotels. This integration is built on a combination of webhooks as well as Zingle using the APIs to pull data for arrivals and in house guests. To set up this integration, the following tasks need to be completed:
- Hotel needs to send authorization to their Stayntouch Client Success Manager (CSM) allowing Zingle to access their data
- Once received, the CSM will forward data to the Implementations Team for setup.
- Implementations will generate an API token
- Once the keys are created, Stayntouch will send to Zingle
- Stayntouch will need to set up generic webhooks
Please set up the following generic webhooks in Settings > Chain > Webhooks to an endpoint, which for all Zingle instances is https://services.zingle.me/stayntouch/webhook.
- Create Guest
- Edit Guest
- New Reservation
- Edit Reservation
- Cancel Reservation
- Checked-Out
- Check-In Available
- Check-In Success
- Check-In Failed
- Pre-Check-In Available
- Pre-Check-In Success
How does it work?
- Zingle integrates directly with Stayntouch utilizing a certified API interface. This integration is one-way from Stayntouch to Zingle which allows Stayntouch to send guest profile and reservation information directly to Zingle whenever the profile is updated or certain reservation actions (such as check in, check out and booking) occur.
What are the Stayntouch requirements?
- Contact your Stayntouch Account Manager and request the Zingle integration.
- The Stayntouch team will request that you send written permission that Stayntouch can share the API credentials with Zingle.
Who can access it?
- You will need to be an admin-level user on Zingle.
- Stayntouch installer activating the API.
How do I set up the integration?
- See attached PDF at the bottom of this article.
What is the implementation time frame?
- The implementation typically takes between 7 and 14 days once the request is sent to Stayntouch to have the API credentials sent to Zingle.
Can I push contact information from Stayntouch into Zingle?
- Yes, you can send the Stayntouch information to Zingle. We will match your contacts using PMS Profile ID. If no match is found, a new contact will be created in Zingle.
Can I push contact information from Zingle into Stayntouch?
- No, you cannot sync Zingle contact information into Stayntouch. Updates made to existing contacts in Zingle will NOT sync and overwrite contact information in Stayntouch. The contact information needs to be updated in Stayntouch and the updated information will then push to Zingle.
What information gets pushed from Zingle into Stayntouch?
- No information is sent to Stayntouch.
Can I connect one Stayntouch account to multiple Zingle services?
- No. The Stayntouch interface can only support one Zingle instance.
Can I connect one Zingle service to multiple Stayntouch accounts?
- No. The Zingle integration can only support one Stayntouch instance.
What fields can I bring from Stayntouch to Zingle?
- Here is the list of fields that are standard in the Stayntouch integration.
First Name | Postal Code | Confirmation Number | Guests QTY |
Last Name | Birthday | Arrival Date | Room ID |
Nationality | Arrival Time | Room Number | |
Mobile Phone | Language | Departure Date | Hotel ID |
Address | VIP | Departure Time | Room Type |
City | Guest ID | Adults | Rate Code |
State | Reservation Status | Infants | Group ID |
How many fields can we map?
- Refer to the fields available in the section “What fields can I bring from Stayntouch to Zingle”. The request for additional fields to come over from Stayntouch will require a feature enhancement ticket be submitted to the Zingle product department.
How are the Zingle contact fields created?
- The contact fields autocreate in Zingle when the Stayntouch integration is enabled.
How often does contact information get pushed over from Stayntouch to Zingle?
- Stayntouch sends the information to Zingle in real time. When a guest record is updated or a new reservation is created in Stayntouch the information is sent to Zingle.
Will ALL future reservations import from Stayntouch once the integration is enabled?
- No. Guest reservation and profiles will import to Zingle when the reservation is first created or whenever the profile is updated or certain reservation actions (such as check in, check out and booking) occur.
Will historical reservations import from Stayntouch once the integration is enabled?
- No. Only future guest reservations and profiles will import to Zingle when the reservation is first created or whenever the profile is updated or certain reservation actions (such as check in, check out and booking) occur.
Can I use the Stayntouch integration if I already have existing contacts in my Zingle service?
- Yes, we will attempt to match contacts using phone numbers, then email.
Who to contact post implementation for support of the integration?
- Zingle support at support@zingleme.com or the fastest way to access the Zingle Support Team is by selecting Chat With Us from the Zingle Help menu.
- Stayntouch support by opening a support ticket online https://stayntouch.freshdesk.com/support/home
Stayntouch Integration questions email to integrations@stayntouch.com.