Automatic Password Expiration
Please note, passwords will automatically expire after the maximum life set (not to exceed 90 days) in Settings > Hotel & Staff > Hotel Details > PASSWORD EXPIRY [DAYS]. Once expired, Stayntouch PMS will automatically prompt users to create a new password that:
Cannot be the same as the last 4 passwords previously used
Must be a minimum of 8 characters
Requires at least one letter and one number
Once updated, a new password can be used until the time limit ends, unless a user is locked out due to three consecutive failed login attempts. To preemptively prevent your password from expiring, you can reset your password at your convenience. For instructions on resetting your password, please see this article.
NOTE: The 90-day password expiry policy cannot be disabled in Stayntouch PMS. The password policies used by Stayntouch PMS adhere to the rules necessary for PCI compliance. Adhering to those rules is mandatory for any software handling credit card transactions. You can find further details at the PCI compliance policy portal here: