Stayntouch PMS
Release Notes (v1.36)
Effective: 26 April 2017
- Now Introducing: Stayntouch PMS's Room Diary
- New Functionality: Commissions
- Rate Manager Enhancements
- Enhancement: Commissions
- Reports: Enhancements
Now Introducing: Stayntouch PMS's Room Diary
- Stayntouch PMS’s Room Diary provides a snapshot overview of reservation activity for a set date range. The date range can span either 7 or 21 days and includes individual reservations, groups, and allotments. Viewing the Room Diary is limited to those users who are assigned the correct permission in Stayntouch PMS. Manage the permission under Settings > Hotel & Staff > Permissions > Access Room Diary.
- Upcoming Functionality: As new functionality is released, the latest updates and enhancements made to the Room Diary will be listed in our release notes. Moving forward, we will be focusing on the following product enhancements:
- Extending and shortening the reservation dates.
- Performing a room move (for a room that matches the current room type).
- Performing a room move (for a room that is different from the current room type).
- Searching for a room based on the room’s features.
- Searching for unassigned reservations.
- Creating a reservation from the Room Diary.
New Functionality: Commissions
- We’ve introduced the ability to re-calculate the commission amount by either a % or flat amount from the Commissions tab on the Travel Agent card.
- You may recalculate the commission for a single reservation, multiple reservations or all reservations -- as long as the commission's status is UNPAID.
- The recalculate button always appears for selection, even if the commissions toggle is set to OFF from the Contact Information tab. (Again, the only dependency is that the commission have an UNPAID status.)
Rate Manager Enhancements
- Setting Restrictions: Easily set a restriction for a rate, rate type, or room type from the Filter Options setting.
- Select Multiple Rate Types: It is now possible to apply restrictions to multiple rate types from the Rate Manager. As rate types are selected, the rate will appear under the Rate Types Selected header, and the user can then apply the restriction to the rate(s).
Enhancement: Commissions
- Now you can instantly access the reservation's Stay Card from the Commissions tab by selecting the orange chevron arrows (see image below).
Reports: Enhancements
- Departure Report: The Departure Report now displays the total number of reservations due-out at the top of the report.
- Stash Rewards Membership Export: The Stash Rewards Membership Export now retrieves reservations details for both types of reservations - those with membership details and those without membership details. Membership information can be located on the Guest Card under the Loyalty tab. (Note: this report only pulls reservation information for those guests that checked out on the previous business day.)
- Commissions Export: From the Scheduled Exports page, run a Commissions export to compile a list of reservations that have been assigned a Travel Agent Card. The export includes basic reservation details, the Travel Agent’s name, IATA Number, and more.
- Room Status Report: We’ve added additional white space and improved the spacing on the print version of the Room Status Report.
- Comparison Report: Include ledger data and more when scheduling a Comparison report by selecting Include Ledger Data(located on the Reports page). Ledger data includes the following:
- Payments by Charge Group
- Balance Brought Forward
- Deposit, Guest, and AR ledger data
- Total Variance
- Closing Balance