Create a Company Card
Stayntouch PMS allows designated users to create a Company Card that can perform many essential functions, including retrieving the card during reservation creation, configuring the card with contract rate(s), and using the card to track accounts receivable information. This guide covers how to create a Company Card in Stayntouch PMS from start to finish.
- Log into Stayntouch PMS.
- From the Dashboard, open the menu and navigate to Revenue Management > Company & TA Cards.
- Select the search bar to begin typing directly into the space.
- Begin typing the name of the Company to prompt Stayntouch PMS to:
- Search for an existing Company Card, or
- Create a new Company Card
- Create a new card by selecting the + ADD NEW button once you’ve entered the Company name into the search bar.
- Select to create a COMPANY CARD or TRAVEL AGENT CARD.
- For this example, we will be creating a Company Card.
At this point, you can enter information about the card, such as ADDRESS, CITY, POSTAL CODE, STATE, COUNTRY, PHONE, FAX, E-MAIL ADDRESS, or WEB PAGE. These fields are all optional, but provide more details about the Company or Travel Agent. You can also provide extended details, such as CORPORATE ID (or IATA NUMBER for Travel Agent Cards) or TAX ID if desired. Furthermore, in the Primary Contact Details section, you can choose to enter a primary contact FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, JOB TITLE, PHONE, or E-MAIL ADDRESS.
You’ll also notice other fields, such as ADD BILLING INFORMATION. If you select the ADD BILLING INFORMATION button, you can default billing information that will always apply when this card is invoked, such as Room & Tax or All Charges (these billing groups can be created in Settings > Financials > Billing Groups), to Erin’s Company with default billing instructions for payment to Direct Bill.
The Billing Information is split into two sections: ENTITY and DETAILS.
- Use the ENTITY section on the left to enter the following information:
- PAYMENT: Add additional payment information.
- CREDIT LIMIT: Set a credit limit to apply to the Company Card.
- REFERENCE NUMBER: Add a reference number.
- From the DETAILS section, you may choose to manage the following:
- BILLING GROUP: The billing group allows you to specify for what the Company will pay.
- CHARGE CODES: You may also search for a specific charge in this section.
With sufficient permissions, you can also add an A/R account by selecting CREATE ACCOUNT, and with no financial transaction in place, you can select DELETE ACCOUNT to delete the A/R account if required.
If you select CREATE ACCOUNT, the A/R Account and A/R Transactions tabs will appear on the Company Card. The following will also occur:
- Stayntouch PMS will auto-assign a unique A/R NUMBER OR allow the user to create an A/R NUMBER for the card (this functionality is determined by your property's Stayntouch PMS settings).
- The A/R NUMBER allows for the property to direct bill the Company. Only when an A/R NUMBER is assigned, can direct billing occur.
- The A/R NUMBER created here will appear on the guest's invoice, as well.
Learn more about the A/R functionality here.
The A/R Account tab is only available for Company or Travel Agent Cards where you chose to CREATE ACCOUNT from the ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE NUMBER section on the Summary tab. From here, you can view Accounts Receivable information for the Company or Travel Agent Card or enable certain features.
- A/R NUMBER: This is automatically generated when you select CREATE ACCOUNT from the ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE NUMBER section on the Summary tab.
- ALLOW DIRECT DEBIT: You can choose whether or not you want to allow direct debit for the Company or Travel Agent Card.
- A/R NOTES: You can add any pertinent notes for the A/R account.
- USE MAIN ADDRESS: You can choose to use the main address indicated on the Summary tab for the A/R account.
- PAYMENT DUE (DAYS): Enter a number of days until payment is due. This will appear on A/R invoices.
- USE MAIN CONTACT: You can choose to use the main contact indicated on the Summary tab for the A/R account.
Like the A/R Account tab, the A/R Transactions tab is only available for Company or Travel Agent Cards where you chose to CREATE ACCOUNT from the ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE NUMBER section on the Summary tab. This tab will reveal a list of invoices associated with that Company or Travel Agent. You can learn more about how to use this tab here.
In the Notes & Files tab, you can add notes or attach files (if file attachments are enabled from Settings > Cards > File Attachments) to the Company or Travel Agent Card.
From the NOTES view, you can add any pertinent notes to the Company or Travel Agent Card.
Switching the FILES view, you can view or attach files as desired. You can search by files from the search bar, group by UNGROUPED or FILE TYPE, and sort by LAST ADDED or FIRST ADDED.
To attach files, you can drag and drop a file or click + ADD NEW to upload a file.
Moving onto the Contracts tab, you can create a new contract by selecting the CREATE NEW CONTRACT button. Contracts can be used by the reservations department when creating a reservation to find the contracted rate for a specific company.
When adding a new contract, the contract NAME must be unique, as there cannot be duplicate contract names for the same property. Each contract will also have an ACCESS CODE, which will be used by Stayntouch PMS to make searching for contracts simpler and more accurate. The ACCESS CODE is used by external systems to “access” the contracts and book the reservations against the negotiated rate. The ACCESS CODE can be edited initially when the new contract is created; however, once the contract is saved, the access code cannot be edited by users without the Edit Access Code user permission.
The contract should also have a START DATE and END DATE, which will be the validity period of the contract. The validity date of the contract will not be linked to any of the rate set periods. The START DATE will be from the business date or any future date. The END DATE currently has a 10-year limit.
The END DATE of a contract can be shortened to the last active reservation attached to the contract. Once a contract reaches its expiry date, the contract will be seen as a PAST contract—once the contract is in PAST status, the contract will no longer be editable.
You can also select a number of CONTRACTED NIGHTS or a CONTRACT OWNER (and even select to INCLUDE INACTIVE USERS) if desired; however, this is optional.
Click SAVE CONTRACT to create the contract.
You’ll then be able to select a CONTRACTED RATE from the rates available at your property. Any rate type can be linked to the contract in standalone mode and Day Use mode. The exception to the rule will be in Full Hourly mode—only Hourly rates classified as corporate rate types can be linked to a contract. Please note, if a rate does not have configured rate sets for the validity of the contract, you will still be able to link the rate to the contract. These rates should be maintained in order to book reservations against that rate. If the rate is not complete, then during the reservation process, no rate details will be returned.
Inactive rates will not be available when searching for rates to be linked to a contract, and should you attempt to inactivate a rate linked to a contract, you will get an error that the rate is linked to a contract. The rate will need to be unlinked from the contract before the rate can be deactivated.
Multiple rates can be linked to a contract, which will return multiple negotiated rates for you to select during the reservation process.
As part of the contract, the contracted nights can be recorded. This can be edited at any time. Select the SAVE CONTRACT button to save the contract details.
Contracts will be saved, and once expired, they will move to the PAST tab. Any current contracts will be listed in the CURRENT tab, and all future contracts will be listed in the FUTURE tab. Please note, there can only be one CURRENT contract active for a Company or Travel Agent Card.
Contract status can be changed from ACTIVE to INACTIVE. A contract can be deactivated at any time, even if there are active reservations attached. An inactive contract will not allow any further reservations to be made with it. You will still be able to edit inactive contracts.
A contract can only be deleted if there are no reservation statistics against the contract. In order to delete that contract, the rates must be removed from the contract. Once the rates are removed, and the contract is unused, you will be able to select DELETE CONTRACT.
CURRENT and FUTURE contracts can be linked to other Company and Travel Agent Cards. You can link an existing contract to a card by selecting LINK EXISTING CONTRACT and searching for the contract by NAME or ACCESS CODE from the search bar.
When searching for a contract, the list of CURRENT and FUTURE contracts will populate. Please note, when contracts are already linked to Company or Travel Agent Cards, they will not display in the list to be linked. Clicking on a contract will link the contract to the card.
Once a contract is linked, the option to UNLINK CONTRACT will also become available.
You can view all contracts attached to the card by clicking the dropdown arrows next to the CURRENT tab.
If you select the Statistics tab, you can view an overview for the Company, including information for this year, last year, and previous years.
By clicking on the expand button, you can make this fullscreen, which is particularly useful when reviewing with the client.
To review things, such as contract negotiations, you can see an overview or details. You can even view particular stay records and select that stay record to go to that stay card for further information if required.
From the Wallet tab, you can attach one or multiple credit cards to the Company or Travel Agent Card by clicking the + NEW PAYMENT METHOD button.
From the Activity Log tab, you can view all activity for the Company Card since creation.