Applies to:
Stayntouch PMS

Did You Know? Add Pictures/Logos To Guest, Company, & Travel Agent Profiles
Did you know you can add pictures or logos to guest, company, and travel agent profiles? Just follow these simple steps!
- Guest Cards: To add a picture to a guest card, simply navigate to Front Desk > Guests and pull up the desired guest card. From there, click on the default guest picture to upload a new picture. You will then be prompted to select a picture from your computer or device. Once selected, this will appear on the guest profile!
- Company and Travel Agent Cards: Similarly to guest cards, to attach a picture to a company or travel agent card, navigate to Revenue Management > Company & TA Cards and select a company or travel agent profile. Once you’ve pulled up the company or travel agent profile, click the default profile image to upload a picture or logo. Once again, you will be prompted to select a picture or logo from your computer or device. The selected picture or logo will then appear on the company or travel agent profile!