[NEW!] Dashboard Enhancements
- Updated Dashboard Search
- Arrivals Tile Updates
- Stayovers Tile Updates
- Departures Tile Updates
- Checked Out (With Balance) Tile Updates
- Updates To Mobile Check-In, Pre Check-In, Queued, & VIP Tiles
- Late Check-Out Tile Updates
- Search Bar Updates
- Search Sort Updates
- Display Additional Guest(s) Along With Main Guest
- Print Registration Cards For Future Dates
- Search Option Added To Menu To Filter Hotels
- Dashboard Sort Order Update
Updated Dashboard Search
We’ve introduced some exciting new updates to the Dashboard search functionality! Please note, all new Dashboard updates will be enabled by Stayntouch Admin over the next month, and all properties are expected to be activated by the end of January 2025.
The following enhancements have been made:
- The SUMMARY/ANALYTICS toggle has been moved next to the menu.
- The search bar has two dropdown options:
- STARTS WITH (Default)
- This will only search reservations where the last name, confirmation number, group, or room number start with the search text.
- CONTAINS will search the entire name (first and last), confirmation number, group, or room number (same logic that is present now).
- STARTS WITH (Default)
- New filter drop down option called TIME PERIOD. Options include the following:
- STARTING searches reservations starting on the date selected and future (Default).
- BEFORE searches reservations before and including the date selected.
- ON searches reservation on the date selected.
- New SORT BY dropdown added:
- LAST NAME (A-Z) (Default)
- ROOM NO. (0-9)
- ROOM NO. (9-0)
- No search is performed until text is entered into the search box.
- If text is entered into the search box, and the filters are changed, the search results update.
- If no text is entered, the current search filters are shown.
- Shows reservations before, starting on, or on date selected
- Shows room type selected
- If no text is entered, a SHOW ALL RESERVATIONS INSTEAD button will be added to the search for all reservations that fit the filter options.
- You can also continue to sort the Dashboard by ROOM TYPE.
Arrivals Tile Updates
When the new Dashboard search functionality is enabled for a property, when navigating to the ARRIVALS tile on the Dashboard, we’ve made two major design changes:
- Tabs: Provide daily counts and allow easy day switching.
- Search & Filters: Find an arrival on a specific date.
Tabs are a new component and are used to define for which day/date range to show/search arrivals for:
- Yesterday’s arrivals
- Today's arrivals: Open by default to show remaining arrivals
- Tomorrow's arrivals
- Arrivals in 2 days: Shown with day name
- Arrivals in 3 days: Shown with day name
- Arrivals ON a date
- Arrivals BETWEEN dates
When an inactive tab is clicked, Stayntouch PMS loads arrivals for that day. When a date tab is clicked, the system will first open the date picker to define the date. When a date range tab is clicked, the system will first open the date range picker to define the date range. Setting the date/date range closes the picker and shows arrivals. Other than YESTERDAY and TODAY, canceled or no show reservations will default to display LAST, unless a SORT order is changed/updated.
Yesterday & Today
These two tabs have nested tabs that allow us to show arrivals based on their status. When clicked, they show their default values:
- Yesterday: Default is to show checked-in; second option is to show no shows.
- Today: Default is to show remaining arrivals; other options are to show today’s arrivals that are already checked in and today’s arrivals that were canceled.
When viewing today’s remaining arrivals, we also show two available actions:
- PRINT REG. CARD: This is available for today’s remaining check-ins, tomorrow, 2 days out, and 3 days out. Please note, future registration card print will be in the maintenance release immediately following the v5.88 release.
- BULK CHECK-IN: This is available for today’s remaining arrival if bulk check-in is applicable.
Stayovers Tile Updates
When the new Dashboard search functionality is enabled for a property, Stayntouch PMS will display stayovers in the STAYOVERS tile of the Dashboard by date rather than just today’s stayovers. The following updates apply:
- The search tab has a new search design.
- TODAY shows the number of today’s current stayovers (not including arriving reservations, canceled, or no shows).
- A date picker is available (no date range).
- When the date is changed, the search returns all reservations staying over on the date selected (regardless of reservation status, excluding canceled or no show reservations).
- Stayover for a future date shows all reservations (excluding canceled or no show) whose stay dates include search date and search date +1.
- Stayover for past dates shows all reservations (excluding canceled or no show) whose stay dates include search date and search date +1.
- User can search within the date results:
- When a user clicks the search box or changes search filters, no results are shown until the user starts typing in the search box.
- Find Today’s Stayovers displays when a user clicks the search box and no text is entered in the search box, or when changing filters when the search box is empty when searching today.
- Find Stayovers on [date] displays when a user clicks the search box and no text is entered in the search box, or when changing filters when the search is empty when searching a specific date.
- The reservation status icon displays the current reservation status for a reservation.
Departures Tile Updates
When the new Dashboard search functionality is enabled for a property, Stayntouch PMS will display departure in the DEPARTURES tile of the Dashboard by departure date rather than just today’s departures. The following updates apply:
- The search tab has a new search design.
- Tabs include TODAY, TOMORROW, 2 days out, and 3 days out, and a date picker.
- Each tab (excluding the date picker), shows the total departures (not including canceled or no shows).
- The TODAY tab shows remaining (default) with an additional tab for DEPARTED.
- Bulk check-out is available for today.
- When a user selects a different date, the search returns all reservations (excluding canceled and no shows) that have a check-out date equal to the search date.
- Users can search within the date results:
- When a user clicks the search box or changes search filters, no results are shown until the user starts typing in the search box.
- Find Today’s Departures displays when a user clicks the search box and no text is entered in the search box, or when changing filters when the search box is empty when searching today.
- Find Departures on [date] displays when a user clicks the search box and no text is entered in the search box, or when changing filters when the search box is empty when searching a specific date.
- The reservation status icon displays the current reservation status for a reservation.
Checked Out (With Balance) Tile Updates
When the new Dashboard search functionality is enabled for a property, the following updates have been made to the CHECKED OUT (WITH BALANCE) tile:
- Displays reservations that have been checked out with a balance.
- Displays the total number of checked-out with balance reservations.
- The TIME PERIOD filter defaults to the current business date.
- The ROOM TYPE filter defaults to ANY ROOM TYPE.
- The SORT BY filter defaults to DEPARTURE (LATEST).
- If there are no results, a “No matches” message will display.
Updates To Mobile Check-In, Pre Check-In, Queued, & VIP Tiles
When the new Dashboard search functionality is enabled for a property, the following updates have been made to the MOBILE CHECK-IN, PRE CHECK-IN, QUEUED, & VIP tiles:
- When clicking into the tiles, the current Dashboard search is displayed.
- The MOBILE CHECK-IN tile displays current mobile checked-in reservations.
- The PRE CHECK-IN tile displays current pre-checked-in reservations.
- The QUEUED tile displays current queued reservations.
- The VIP tile displays current VIP reservations.
- The layout for all tiles has a new tab with only today (no other date or date picker).
- If there are no results, a “No matches” message will display.
Late Check-Out Tile Updates
When the new Dashboard search functionality is enabled for a property, the following updates have been made to the LATE CHECK-OUT tile:
- New date tabs added to late check out tile:
- TODAY: Shows the count of today’s remaining late check-outs.
- TOMORROW: Shows the count of reservations checking out tomorrow via late check-out.
- 2 Days Out: Displayed by day of week and number of reservations checking out on that date via late check-out.
- 3 Days Out: Displayed by day of week and number of reservations checking out on that date via late check-out.
- Date Picker
- The tile will show departures for the date selected that have a late check out flag and a departure date equal to the given date.
- The tile on the main Dashboard shows the remaining reservations with a late check-out for today.
- The tile has the new Dashboard search.
Search Bar Updates
When the new Dashboard search functionality is enabled for a property, the following updates apply to the Dashboard search bar:
- When using the STARTS WITH search:
- First name is included in the search result
- User can type LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME
- User can type LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME (with comma separating)
- Search matches the guest search
Search Sort Updates
When the new Dashboard search functionality is enabled for a property, the following updates have been made to the search bar SORT BY dropdown:
- When a user chooses to sort by name, confirmation number, or room number, the second sorting is organized by arrival date with the latest first.
- When a user chooses to sort by a date, the second sorting is organized by last name (A-Z).
Display Additional Guest(s) Along With Main Guest
When the new Dashboard search functionality is enabled for a property, the following updates apply for reservations with additional guests:
- If a reservation has additional guests, a new section under the reservation search result displays a label With X additional: plus the names of additional guests along with the appropriate icon.
- Additional guests do not have their own search result line.
- Additional guests are still part of the reservation search results.
- Additional guests’ names are highlighted if part of the search.
- Pagination changed to display 50 primary guests.
Print Registration Cards For Future Dates
When the new Dashboard search functionality is enabled for a property, we’ve added a new PRINT REG. CARD button to the future tabs within the ARRIVALS tile (tomorrow, 2 days out, and 3 days out). When clicked the user can select reservations to print registration cards. Canceled reservation cannot be selected and will be grayed out. The user can print registration cards for all reservations selected.
Search Option Added To Menu To Filter Hotels
We’ve added a search option to the Stayntouch PMS menu that allows users to filter subscribed hotels by name. The search will dynamically update the list of hotels as the user types. Moreover, only hotels with names matching the input should be displayed in the search results.
Dashboard Sort Order Update
We’ve added a new blank sort option to the dashboard SORT BY dropdown. When selected, the following parameters apply:
- If the query is numeric (e.g., room number or reservation ID), reservations are prioritized based on the following:
- Checked-In Guests:
- Guests departing later are shown first.
- Guests departing today are shown next.
- Reserved Guests:
- Guests arriving today are shown first.
- Other reserved guests follow.
- Checked-Out Guests: Displayed after reserved guests.
- No-Shows: Shown last.
- Checked-In Guests:
- Within each priority group, reservations are further sorted by:
- Arrival date (earlier dates first)
- Confirmation number (smaller numbers first)
- If the query is text (e.g., guest name), reservations are sorted by:
- Guest last name (alphabetically)
- Guest first name
- Confirmation number
- Arrival date (earlier dates first)
- Departure date (later dates last)
- If a status is provided:
- Stayover:
- Room number 0-9 as default sort order
- Stayover:
- If no specific query, status, or flag is provided, reservations are prioritized based on:
- Timing (e.g., whether they are checked in and leaving soon)
- Arrival date (earlier dates first)
- Guest names (alphabetically by last name)
- No changes to tile sort order other than stayover.