View Single/Double Occupancy Rates & Fix Discrepancies

Modified on: Wed, 17 Jul, 2024 at 11:26 AM

Applies to:          Stayntouch PMS          

View Single/Double Occupancy Rates & Fix Discrepancies

To review the double occupancies rates and how they differ from single rates, navigate to Revenue Management > Rate Manager, select a date range, and then click SHOW ALL RATES. Most of your rates are probably derived from the Best Available Rate (BAR), so we recommend clicking into that rate, which will show you the single occupancy.

The fastest way to see the double occupancy for all of these dates and room types is to open the Rate Editor, which you can do by clicking the purple button at the top right of the screen or using the indicated keyboard shortcut. You'll then be able to see single and double occupancies. The Rate Editor is a great tool for catching and editing discrepancies.

Please note, if you notice discrepancies with the single and double occupancies, this may be because someone edited the single occupancy rate for a room type, but not the other occupancies. We recommend always making sure to update single and double occupancy rates at the same time to avoid discrepancies. Please note, we don't generally recommend clicking the blue APPLY TO ALL OCCUPANCIES button, because that would apply the change to children and extra adults.

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