Applies to:
Stayntouch PMS

Juyo is a direct integration for Business Intelligence. Details for credentials need to be shared by the Juyo team.
The Juyo integration needs to be set up from Settings > Interfaces > BI > Juyo Analytics. You will need to activate the integration here.
- PASSWORD: Obtain from Juyo
- HOTEL CODE: Code that Juyo has set up for the property
Next, you will need to determine if the following Feature Settings should be configured or not.
- STAY INFO AFTER CHECKOUT: Enabling this will send an update to Juyo with the final revenue for items; ROOM and F&B are based on charge code setup.
- INCLUDE ROUTED CHARGES IN STAY INFO: If this is enabled, charges that are routed to a group or company for billing purpose are there, but will stay with the guest folio information, so that the system can see the value of that guest. If this is reviewed, and there are charges that are sent to another guest, the charge will stay on the original guest, but also show on that new guest as extra revenue, inflating their value.
After configured is completed, data can be synced to Juyo for past guests as well as future guests by using the SYNC option.
- Juyo Support,