TravelMedia Group (TMG) Custom Exports

Modified on: Tue, 11 Oct, 2022 at 11:07 AM

Applies to:          Stayntouch PMS          

TravelMedia Group (TMG) Custom Exports


There are two custom exports that need to be set up for TravelMedia Group (TMG).


To set up the first custom export, navigate to Reports > Schedule a Report/Export > Custom Exports > + NEW EXPORT > Reservation


The first step is to select fields to include in the export from within Select Fields. Please select the following fields:



Next, go to Set Order & Labels, where you can change the order of the fields (by dragging and dropping the fields) and their labels (by typing into the field label) as desired.

From Set Filters, click the + ADD FILTER button and first select Options. From the FIELD NAME dropdown, select Reservation Status, and then choose CHECKED OUT from the OPTIONS dropdown.

Click the + ADD FILTER button again and select Duration. From the FIELD NAME dropdown, select Departure Date, and then choose Today from the DURATION dropdown.

You can then move onto Schedule Details, where you can indicate how often the export REPEATS. Select Daily.


Upon selecting Daily, you'll be prompted to enter information for the following fields:

  • REPEATS EVERY: Enter 1 day.
  • STARTS ON: Choose the current date to start the export on the current date.
  • STARTS AT: Choose a time for the export to start. This can be whatever time desired.
  • ENDS ON: Choose NEVER.

Finally, you can move onto Distribution List, where you can select a DELIVERY METHOD. Choose Email Export Delivery Type.

Upon selecting Email Export Delivery Type, enter email addresses to receive the export from the ADD RECIPIENT field. Type the email address. Pause. Then hit enter. Email addresses will then appear below. TravelMedia Group requires the export to be sent to, so please include this email. You can also send the export to an email address at your hotel if desired.

Once you've selected a delivery method, you'll be required to name the export from the EXPORT NAME field. Please name this TMG Guest List – Checked Out. Please also select an OUTPUT FORMAT of CSV. You can also click the checkbox to INCLUDE CSV HEADER, which will show the Hotel Code, Hotel Name, Generated Date, Generated Time, and Report Name. You can then click SAVE EXPORT to begin receiving the custom export.


The scheduled export will appear in your list of custom exports from Reports > Schedule a Report/Export > Custom Exports. You can also click on the custom export and then select RUN NOW to have the report delivered to your delivery method now.


To set up the second custom export, once again, navigate to Reports > Schedule a Report/Export > Custom Exports > + NEW EXPORT > Reservation


As before, the first step is to select fields to include in the export from within Select Fields. Please select the following fields:



Next, go to Set Order & Labels, where you can change the order of the fields (by dragging and dropping the fields) and their labels (by typing into the field label) as desired.

From Set Filters, click the + ADD FILTER button and first select Options. From the FIELD NAME dropdown, select Reservation Status, and then choose CHECKED IN from the OPTIONS dropdown.

Click the + ADD FILTER button again and select Duration. From the FIELD NAME dropdown, select Departure Date, and then choose Today from the DURATION dropdown.

You can then move onto Schedule Details, where you can indicate how often the export REPEATS. Select Daily.


Upon selecting Daily, you'll be prompted to enter information for the following fields:

  • REPEATS EVERY: Enter 1 day.
  • STARTS ON: Choose the current date to start the export on the current date.
  • STARTS AT: Choose a time for the export to start. This can be whatever time desired.
  • ENDS ON: Choose NEVER.

Finally, you can move onto Distribution List, where you can select a DELIVERY METHOD. Choose Email Export Delivery Type.

Upon selecting Email Export Delivery Type, enter email addresses to receive the export from the ADD RECIPIENT field. Type the email address. Pause. Then hit enter. Email addresses will then appear below. TravelMedia Group requires the export to be sent to, so please include this email. You can also send the export to an email address at your hotel if desired.

Once you've selected a delivery method, you'll be required to name the export from the EXPORT NAME field. Please name this TMG Guest List – Due Out. Please also select an OUTPUT FORMAT of CSV. You can also click the checkbox to INCLUDE CSV HEADER, which will show the Hotel Code, Hotel Name, Generated Date, Generated Time, and Report Name. You can then click SAVE EXPORT to begin receiving the custom export.


The scheduled export will appear in your list of custom exports from Reports > Schedule a Report/Export > Custom Exports. You can also click on the custom export and then select RUN NOW to have the report delivered to your delivery method now.

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