Stayntouch Guest Kiosk Pick-Up Keys Settings
To configure pick-up keys settings for Stayntouch Guest Kiosk, navigate to Settings > Kiosk > Pick-Up Keys.
Some of the options here will be for specific customers. These include the Authentication and QR Code Scanner sections. These sections are for customers that have enabled QR code scanning. We'll skip these sections for this demonstration.
From the REGISTRATION CARD DELIVERY OPTIONS section, if you have a printer attached to the kiosk, you can select Auto Print. This will allow for reprinting of the registration card during key collection. Select None if you do not have a printer attached to the kiosk.
From the Authenticate Credit Card section, you can turn ON the AUTHENTICATE CREDIT CARD as an additional safety feature. When active, during key pick-up, users will be required to enter the last 4 digits of the credit card attached to the reservation.
Lastly, you'll notice the Guest ID Scan section. This section is specifically for properties that have enabled the ID scan functionality. If the RE-VERIFY ID toggle is turned ON, this will have guests scan their ID to verify their identity.
As always, once you have configured all the necessary settings, be sure to click SAVE CHANGES.
This article explains how to configure pick-up keys settings for Stayntouch Guest Kiosk. For more information, see this video or contact Customer Support.