Windsurfer: Hierarchy Restrictions (General Release)
Hierarchy restrictions are restrictions that are specifically applied to a hierarchical logic and do not function the same as traditional common restrictions that exist in Stayntouch PMS, which apply to each rate and room type combination. Hierarchy restrictions exist individually on each level, and during the reservation process, the “strongest” restrictions will supersede any underlying restrictions, depending on the reservation date, duration, and rate selected. The following levels of hierarchy restrictions are available for Windsurfer:
House hierarchy restrictions
Room type hierarchy restrictions
Rate hierarchy restrictions
The main advantage of hierarchy restrictions is that because restrictions are saved on each hierarchy level and not on each rate and room type combination, hierarchy restrictions reduce database impact drastically. Moreover, new rates can now be added, and if a rate falls within the restriction dates set, it will automatically be restricted as per the rules set. You do not have to add these restrictions manually.
External systems using restrictions must go through a certification process to support the new hierarchy restrictions.
Hierarchy restrictions are not available for Overlay properties.
The below article explains the functionality of hierarchy restrictions in Stayntouch PMS. For a demonstration of hierarchy restrictions, you can watch the video below.
The Windsurfer integration with Stayntouch supports the following restrictions:
House hierarchy restrictions
Room type hierarchy restrictions
Rate hierarchy restrictions
Each of the hierarchy restrictions can be activated independently. Please contact Customer Support to have these enabled.
When hierarchy restrictions are enabled, they will be visible from Revenue Management > Rate Manager. For each hierarchy restriction activated, a restriction panel will be pinned to the top of the screen.
The below screenshot is an example of house hierarchy restrictions.
When all hierarchy restrictions are active, you can hide or show hierarchy restrictions by opening or closing the hierarchy restriction dropdown tab.
Please note, this is visible from all views in the Rate Manager screen. This ensures users are always aware of restrictions that exist within the different hierarchy levels.
The restrictions displayed in the grid below, are the lowest level restrictions that exist on the room/rate combination.
The following restriction types supported by Windsurfer can be set from hierarchy restriction levels:
Closed to Arrival
Closed to Departure
Min Length of Stay
Max Length of Stay
Minimum Stay Through
Each hierarchy restriction can coexist on different levels, and the strongest restrictions will supersede depending on the reservation dates, duration, and rate selected.
Hierarchy restrictions are saved in the hierarchy restrictions table, where hierarchy level is the key differentiator. Due to the way hierarchy restrictions are saved, you do not need to apply a restriction to each rate and room type combination.
This reduces the database activity dramatically and results in a much quicker response from the Rate Manager screen when applying these restrictions. The same reduction in database activity occurs during the reservation process, as there are hierarchy level restrictions that are queried and applied. It is not necessary for each rate and room type to be queried to return an applicable restriction.
Once hierarchy restrictions are set, a new rate can be added, and if it falls within a restriction’s criteria, it will be applied to that rate/room type, as well.
Activating and deactivating hierarchy restrictions should be managed and planned, especially if there are external systems in use. Not all external systems support all levels of hierarchy restrictions; however, we are in the process of acquiring certification for most major external systems.
Hierarchy restrictions do not change the way traditional restrictions function. Hierarchy restrictions are purely the way the restriction types are saved, and because the restrictions are saved in hierarchy levels, it allows restrictions to coexist on levels in order to allow the strongest restrictions to supersede without affecting the underlying restrictions.
Note: When hierarchy restrictions are enabled, to avoid operational confusion it is recommended to remove the traditional room/rate level restriction and apply it at the hierarchy level.
Hierarchy restrictions can be set from a fixed panel at the top of the Rate Manager screen. Hierarchy restrictions are indicated in the same way as before with common restrictions.
Each restriction is indicated with a restriction type indicator. If there are more than three restrictions set on a level and day, you will see a black R indicator.
Once restrictions are added to the desired hierarchy level, the user will be able to manage these restrictions by clicking into a fixed panel for the date where the restrictions exist.
From the view/edit restriction screen, you can do the following:
View the date you accessed
View the level of hierarchy restrictions
Add, edit, and remove restrictions
Important: When any existing restriction is edited, it will override the old restriction with the new restriction.
When adding restrictions, you can choose to repeat restrictions for future dates with the REPEAT ON DATES function.
Upon selecting the REPEAT ON DATES checkbox, you will receive a message indicating that this process will override restrictions that may exist for the future dates selected.
Furthermore, any restrictions set in Settings > Rates > Rates > Select Rate > Rate Details > RULES & RESTRICTIONS will affect hierarchy level restrictions.
When a rate hierarchy restriction exists, Stayntouch PMS will apply this restriction as a common restriction to the rate and room types, and, in theory, will act as a room and rate combination restriction for that rate. There can be hierarchy restrictions of the same type that exist, which will not override the underlying restriction.
Should rate hierarchy restrictions be active, the restriction is placed on the rate card level and not on each room type associated with that rate. However, you can still add restrictions on a specific rate/room type. When you pull up rate details from the rate view, you can only apply a restriction on one room type. Please note, however, this is not saved as a hierarchy restriction, but as a normal room type rate restriction.
If you add a restriction on all room types for a rate, you can either use the rate hierarchy restrictions feature or the all room types feature. However, please note, if the all room types feature is used to add a restriction to all room types, it will still save the restriction as a room/rate restriction and not as a hierarchy restriction.
The all room types grid can be used to update the price level for all room types.
Hierarchy restrictions have minimal impact on the Stayntouch PMS application, as restrictions are applied based on the "strongest" restriction and take into consideration the date, duration, and rate/room type used during the reservation process.
Rooms & Rates Screen
All other restrictions, regardless of level, will be displayed as standard restrictions.
Stay Card: Nights Button
Upon selecting the NIGHTS button from the stay card, you will be redirected to the calendar view, where you can extend or shorten a reservation. Hierarchy restrictions are also considered here. House hierarchy restrictions also display in yellow at the top of the screen and below applicable hierarchy restrictions.
Rate Sequences
Rate sequences also play a role in the restriction level applied. If you do not specify a room type during the reservation process, and all room types are considered, Stayntouch PMS will use the default room type during the reservation process. This will then return the hierarchy restrictions based on the rate returned as a default. For example, if the rate sequence for the Rooms & Rates Screen is set to Lowest > Highest, the room type with the lowest rate will be used as the default.
No additional reports are available for hierarchy restrictions.
End of Day
The End of Day process is not affected by hierarchy restrictions.