TravelClick: Error Message When Reinstating a Reservation on Stayntouch PMS
Important Note: TravelClick does NOT support the ability to reinstate reservations that have been cancelled. If a hotel reinstates a future booking or a no-show and checks in the booking, there may be inventory and reporting discrepancies on the TravelClick side.
Reinstating a reservation on Stayntouch PMS sends a MODIFY message to TravelClick, which subsequently fails and displays an error message that the cancelled reservation cannot be modified.
OTA_HotelResNotifRS.xsd\\\" Version=\\\"1.003\\\" EchoToken=\\\"c93a651c-3505-4543-a6e3-cb317efa26e8\\\" ResResponseType=\\\"Modified\\\"\u003e\\n\u003cErrors\u003e\\n\u003cError Type=\\\"Unknown\\\" Code=\\\"Reservation under confirmation ID 466083398 has already been cancelled\\\"/\u003e\\n\u003c/Errors\u003e\\n\u003cHotelReservations\u003e\\n\u003cHotelReservation\u003e\\n\u003cUniqueID Type=\\\"10\\\"
This in turn causes the status of the PMS to remain active but the reservation to display as cancelled on TravelClick. This would therefore result in a mismatched status in both systems.