How Stayntouch PMS Matches Company/TA Cards Sent from an OTA/External CRS
When a reservation for a Company or Travel Agent is sent from a Central Reservation System (CRS) to Stayntouch PMS, Stayntouch PMS has to either match the Company/TA Card with an existing Company/TA Card or create a new card. So, how does Stayntouch PMS decide to match a card or create a new one?
Company Cards are matched on Corporate ID. If there is a Corporate ID specified in the Company Card, and the external system is sending a Corporate ID, Stayntouch PMS will match it in this field.
Travel Agent Cards are matched on Travel Agent ID. If there is a Travel Agent ID specified in the TA Card, and the external system is sending a Travel Agent ID, Stayntouch PMS will match it in this field.
If there is no Corporate ID or Travel Agent ID specified in the cards in Stayntouch PMS, and there are multiple cards of the same name, Stayntouch PMS will match it to the first matching card name. For this reason, it is important to name the cards appropriately and not have any duplicates.