Applies to: Stayntouch PMS
Hogia Interface
Setting up Hogia interface at your hotel is relatively easy. To enable, navigate to Integrations > Back Office > Hogia.
- The files can be delivered either by email or SFTP. Either or both can be used. If using SFTP for delivery, then your hotel will need to provide the information. If sending files via email or SFTP, your hotel will need to download the files and then upload them to Hogia. This is NOT a direct import to Hogia.
- You will need a balancing account GL number to put on the activation page (this is used to bring debits and credits from the journal to a net 0). A GL account number for Direct Bill is needed for those items being sent to Direct Bill. Please note, your hotel should have all of the GL codes to which they want to map. This is not provided by Hogia.
After that information is entered, you may then map Stayntouch PMS charge codes to GL codes. All Stayntouch PMS charge codes should be mapped to a GL code. If a charge code is used on a given day, or in the past if syncing data, and the charge code is NOT mapped, a file will NOT generate.
Past data can be resent using the SYNC tab. Simply select the date range for which to send files.