Stayntouch PMS
Release Notes (v5.1)
Effective: 10 January 2019
- Commissions on Global Accounts Can Now Be Defined by Hotel
- RoverConnect—Fetch Group Revenue API
- Hogia
- Twinfield
Commissions on Global Accounts Can Now Be Defined by Hotel
We have added the ability for hotels to define different commissions on global accounts. This allows different commission levels for various properties to be centrally processed.
The GLOBAL flag allows the use of efficient, centralized commission processing screens. The GLOBAL flag also sets the commission level for all properties of the brand.
With the addition of a separate “Global Commission” flag, commission levels are now separate from other existing GLOBAL flag-related functionalities.
To set a property specific commission level on a GLOBAL account, complete the following steps:
“Global Commission” flag must be toggled OFF (ON by default)
User must be logged into the hotel for which the commission level is being changed
Set commission as per today
RoverConnect—Fetch Group Revenue API
Hotels can now fetch revenue for a group that has left. Once a group end date has passed, API will collect all revenue generated by the group (from all reservations) and will return it when called.
We now support the Hogia interface. This upgrade helps manage financial data for hotels by generating client/account debtor information. Stayntouch PMS will now send Hogia an extract of daily journal financial transactions when enabled by the hotel. Stayntouch PMS will also send Hogia a file with all invoices generated during the day. Please note, this interface is still being piloted. Once the pilot is complete, you will be able to reach out to support with any questions about implementing this new interface.
To enable:
Settings > Interfaces > Back Office > Hogia
Once Hogia interface is enabled, complete the following fields:
Toggle the Activate/Inactivate switch ON
Enter the Settling Account number from the Hogia system
Enter a delivery method for the files. This can be sent to one of two places:
An email address
Via SFTP to a team site. You will need to supply the following data:
SFTP server address
Folder path on the SFTP server
Save the setup, at which point you will be able to navigate to the mapping tab
Once you have selected the “Add New” option, you will be able to save mapping for each transaction code in the system.
We now support the Twinfield interface. This upgrade helps manage financial data for hotels by generating client/account debtor information. Stayntouch PMS will now send Twinfield an extract of daily journal financial transactions when enabled by the hotel. Stayntouch PMS will also send Twinfield files with all invoices and credit card payment information generated during the day. Please note, this interface is still being piloted. Once the pilot is complete, you will be able to reach out to support with any questions about implementing this new interface.
To enable:
Settings > Interfaces > Back Office > Twinfield
Once the Twinfield interface is enabled, complete the following fields:
Toggle the Activate/Inactivate switch ON
Enter Process URL: Where we send data to Twinfield
Enter Finder URL: Where we find codes for mapping
Enter Office Code: Hotel ID in the Twinfield system
Enter Suspense Account Code: Standard account in the Twinfield system used for sending billings
Enter Balancing Ledger Account Number: Code used for allowing debits and credits to balance for the day
After completing the above fields, you will need to indicate the Payment Charge Codes that need to be sent over, thus allowing your hotel and Twinfield to map the credit card payments that will be sent to Twinfield. To do so, move the credit card payment codes from the left hand side to the right, and then select “Save Changes.”
Once you have saved this data, you will need to authorize us to access the data for the hotel in Twinfield. To do this, click the blue “Sync” button.
After doing so, you will be taken to the dialog box below.
We will need a few items from your property once you have authorized access:
Organization name (i.e., company name in Twinfield)
Once we have received this data, we will be able to complete the appropriate mappings.