Stayntouch PMS
Release Notes (v3.5)
Effective: 1 February 2018
- Additional Languages: Guest-Facing Stationery
- Delete/Hide Bill Window When Not Being Used
- Group & Allotment/Collect Demographics
- Check-In/Collect Demographics
- Accounts: Once Direct Bill Payment Is Applied, Lock the Bill
- Show Reference on Guest Invoice
- "Zero" Balance/Rate: Do Not Send Invoices
- Additional Pagination for Post Charges
- Manual Key Pickup
- Account Screen: Non-Zero Balance
- Stayntouch Guest Kiosk: Collect Balance Toggle
- Enhancement: View of Stationery Setting
- Comtrol: Call Restrictions
Additional Languages: Guest-Facing Stationery
We’ve introduced 5 new languages as options when printing/emailing certain guest-facing materials.
Languages include Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, and Icelandic.
You can select a language with the Guest Language drop down menu for the following: reservation confirmation email, guest bill, company card invoice, travel agent card invoice, ProForma invoice, and account bill.
By default, the language defined on the Guest Card will display for selection. If no preferred language has been defined for the guest, the hotel's primary language will display.
Learn more here.
Reservation Confirmation Screen: | Account Details Screen: |
Company Card (same as Travel Agent Card): | Guest Bill Screen: |
Delete/Hide Bill Window When Not Being Used
A small red “x” will appear on Bill Window 2 (or subsequent bill windows), allowing the user to delete/hide the bill window.
Watch our how-to video here.
A user will only be able to hide Bill Window 2 (or subsequent bill windows) if there are NO charges on this bill. There can be no routing instructions for this bill.
If Bill Window 2 has no charges and Bill Window 3 does, you will not be able to hide Bill Window 2. Until all charges are moved from Bill Window 3 to Bill Window 2, only then can Bill Window 3 be hidden.
When a bill has been hidden and a user wishes to move charges to the hidden window, they can do so by moving charges to a new Bill Window OR by adding it manually using the “+” button.
These rules also apply for Accounts’ Bill Windows.
Changes are logged in the Stay Card (Hidden False = Not Hidden; Hidden True = Hidden ).
Group & Allotment/Collect Demographics
- Stayntouch PMS will enforce demographic collection when creating new groups and allotments if Force Market, Force Source, Force Origin, Force Segment is selected (i.e. enabled/ON).
- This setting is located under setting Settings > Reservations > Reservation Settings.
- When saving a new grop or allotment (and if the collect demographics setting is ON), Stayntouch PMS will display a demographics popup, indicating which of the fields are missing data. This will force the user to enter the missing information (see screenshot below).
- Once the data is entered, the Stayntouch PMS user can proceed with saving the group/allotment.
- Note the Save & Continue button is greyed out until data is entered.
- Demographics need to be recorded in the Group Activity Log.
Check-In/Collect Demographics
In addition, as long as the demographics settings are "checked" in Stayntouch PMS Settings, Stayntouch PMS will display the Demographics Missing pop-up during the check-in process, if the data was not already present on the reservation during check-in.
When a Stayntouch PMS user selects the check-in button on the Stay Card, Stayntouch PMS will verify if the collect demographics setting is selected, and force the user to enter any missing data.
Once the data is entered, user can proceed with check-in as usual.
Note the Save & Continue button is greyed out until data is entered.
If any demographics are changed/updated during this process, the information will be recorded in the Stay Card’s Activity Log.
Accounts: Once Direct Bill Payment Is Applied, Lock the Bill
When Direct Bill is used with one or more bill windows, that window will become “locked” (i.e. no additional changes/bill moves can be made), once the payment is sent. (For "Accounts" only per this release.)
Show Reference on Guest Invoice
The setting Show Reference On Guest, can be selected or left unselected on the Guest Invoice.
If unselected, the reference field will not appear on the guest invoice. Example Below: Tea / Beverage
If selected, the reference field will appear on the guest invoice. Example Below: Newspaper / Magazine
The reference field will always print on internal reports.
Payment references will always print on internal reports and guest invoices.
This field also appears when making edits to the charges:
"Zero" Balance/Rate: Do Not Send Invoices
Stayntouch PMS will not email bills that have had no financial transactions present.
Stayntouch PMS will email bills where charges are present but amount is $0.00.
Stayntouch PMS will email all other bills with charges as per normal process.
Details (Scenario):
Navigate to a “due-out” reservation.
Bill Window 1: No charges have been added.
Bill Window 2: Accommodation charges are present.
Check out guest
Bill Window 1: No email will be sent because no charges are present.
Bill Window 2: Email will be delivered as normal.
Bills that have had no financial transactions should not be emailed.
Bills that have a balance $0.00 as it has been settled should be emailed.
Additional Pagination for Post Charges
From the Revenue Management > Post Charges pop-up, pagination prompts will now appear for extended item lists.
Manual Key Pickup
If a hotel does not have an integrated key system, Stayntouch Guest Kiosk can be setup for “manual key pick up”. (Located under Settings > Station > General > Key Creation Method.)
This setting informs the guest as to how they should retrieve their room keys during check-in or when requesting keys from Stayntouch Guest Kiosk.
Account Screen: Non-Zero Balance
By default the non-zero balance checkbox will NOT be selected from the Accounts page (Front Desk > Accounts).
Stayntouch Guest Kiosk: Collect Balance Toggle
Collect Balance will replace the View CC on file setting for Stayntouch Guest Kiosk (Setting > Station > Check Out).
This setting will be set to OFF by default post-release.
When Collect Balance is set to ON, checkouts will continue to see the last four digits of their credit card on file.
In addition, Stayntouch Guest Kiosk will prompt the guest to pay off their remaining balance (if a balance is due at the time of check-out).
At this point, the guest can choose to use the credit card already on file—OR the guest can pay with a new credit card.
Enhancement: View of Stationery Setting
We’ve implemented a new layout for the Stationery page under Stayntouch PMS Settings > Hotel & Admin.
Comtrol: Call Restrictions
We’ve introduced a drop down menu in Stayntouch PMS Settings to support room-based call restrictions (DFID 183) with Comtrol.
Located under Settings > Integrations > Comtrol > Room Mappings, select an existing room or create an entirely new room.
Locate the Station Access Level drop down menu.
Acceptable call restrictions levels available to impose on outgoing telephone calls from guests.