Remove remaining rooms being displayed on IBE
2 CommentsSorted by Popular
All this is a serious design flaw and making me rethink the online system. THIS IS A COMPETIVE ISSUE AS EVERYONE CAN SEE YOUR INVENTIRY. Totally unacceptable. This must be addressed immediately. I would not recommend the IB system with this MAJOR FLAW>
Hi Ladies,
We are looking to make this a setting shortly so you will be able to control whether to show remaining room count or not. Thanks for your feedback,
Stayntouch Product Team
2 people like this idea
When guests book online the site will tell the guest how many rooms the hotel has left. This feature makes it difficult to negotiate group rates with customers as we do not typically inform them of our occupancy levels. It may also deter the guest from making a booking as they may hold out for a rate reduction if they can see there are a lot of rooms remaining.