
Flash Report

Flash report as part of the statistics on the dashboard.

Forum User

Attached is a sample flash report.

SNT Team

Hi Hanif,

Great news! The Manager Daily Report is a brand new report that is being released with v5.83 and was developed with your kindly provided feedback in mind! You can read the details about it here. Some highlights:

  • Previous day's statistics including the very highly requested statistic of the number of SAME DAY RESERVATIONS! (Reservations made yesterday for arrival yesterday that were not cancelled/no-showed)
  • Statistics for today, tomorrow, 2 days out, and 3 days out, with the corresponding date and day of the week including OCCUPANCY % and number of on-the-books ARRIVALS, DEPARTURES, OOO / OOS / OOI / DAY USE ROOMS
  • BOB totals for the current month, next month, and two months out (TOTAL REVENUE, ADR, ROOMSOCCUPANCY, and OCCUPANCY %)
  • List all in-house groups with the groups’ start and end dates (including any shoulder dates), the number of rooms departing, stayover, and arriving for the group.
  • List of the current day's events (that have been added via Revenue Management > Events)

We are excited about this new report offering and hope it helps you and your team! At first, it will be available to run ad-hoc via the New Report menu. A scheduled version is anticipated to be available soon.
We look forward to hearing your feedback!



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