Reservation PopUP/Alert
Hi all,
Great news! Stayntouch now offers an Alerts functionality with our new redesigned notes - you should see this enabled for your property this week.
The notes and actions sections on the stay card have now been moved to the left side of the screen to easily identify notes and actions for a reservation.
Eliminates the need to click on the respective sections to open and view any notes or actions.
Users can change a note to an alert to have a more prominent display on top of the stay card.
"Shared" notes and alerts can be enabled for Guest Cards, Company Cards, and Travel Agent Cards that will appear on the Stay Cards when applicable.
For a detailed on-screen overview of the changes to notes and actions, you can watch this video here.
please do this also for us and for a new reservation on the day itself.
Please add this function! It would be so beneficial for our operations team to be able to get alerts at time of check-in.
Use Cases: Gift Bags, request contact info for GDS reservations, reminders of package delivered ahead of time, etc
yes please - maybe also for specific rates
Please consider this for us!
Pop up alerts is needed desperately. PLEASE!!!! Also a window to see/preview comments would be great as well!
3 people like this idea
It would be super helpful to my staff and i, if StayNTouch had an alert or pop up for Guest Special Requests, or a type of Flash Alert, when guest reservations have been modified. For example, RM 121 has a 1PM checkout" when clicking in the reservation, this alert will pop up, which would prompt a housekeeper or front desk agent to act one the alert. Similar to the feature that PMS system (OPERA) has. Please do consider this!