Phone numbers on arrivals report

Will you please add the option to include the guest phone number on the arrivals report? We must call our guest before they arrive and it is a nuisance to have to go into each folio to pull this number.

Forum User

Seconded please

Forum User

This would be great. 

SNT Team

Hello! We appreciate your feedback. I'm leaving this open as I understand you'd like to see this enhancement on the existing Arrival report. In the meantime, have you tried using a Custom Export to make this task easier? You can create a "reservations" custom export with the duration for arrival date set to today (or a longer date range if you prefer), and can include both the guest phone number and mobile phone number on the export.

For help building a custom export, please see this Knowledge Base article and reach out to our support team if we can be of any assistance.

Kind Regards,


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