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Comparison Report Date Range

We would like the date options to be enhanced for the comparison report. So we would like;

1) to maintain the current option of a single date, which then shows us MTD and YTD revenue

2) the ability to print the report for a specific date range, eg: 15 April to 15 May.  


Forum User

Hi, we would like to have that, too. Is there no chance at all that this will amended?

best regards Susanne

Forum User

We would also like to have the ability to set our own date ranges.  Thank you

Forum User

We would also like to see customized date ranges for this report and all others.  Thank you

SNT Team

Hi Claire, 

Thank you for the feedback. 

The Comparison report does not have a date range intentionally as it will have performance issues. This is also not planned to be amended.


The Product Team

Forum User

A date range would be a definite plus: can this be taken onboard for the new reporting modules that will be released soon?

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