
Send email address updates to Revinate

In a Guest Card, when the email address is updated to a new address, this update is not being sent to Revinate. Therefore, Revinate keeps sending the email to the old email address. Can this update please be sent to Rvinate as part of the Revinate Interface?

Forum User

Definitively needed - as we are updating email addresses regularly, all guests are asked to enter their own email address.

SNT Team

Thank you - The current Revinate interface functions and sends items only related to a reservations.   If the email is updated on the reservation that should be sending out an update on the booking.   I will put this in as a Bug to have the teams take a look at this.

SNT Team

Hello Verena - this was updated at the end of May to send when changes were made to guest data.

SNT Team

Hello Verena - We have a solution for this and it will be part of a release in the very near future.  

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