
External booking number in Reports

Add External number field in Reports in Rover

SNT Team

This is being added to the custom exports.


SNT Product Team

Forum User

Dear SNTTeam,

Is there an update with respect to these external references being added to the customer reports, as promised by Nicki Dehler on June 10, 2021?



Forum User

Hello Nicki,

Could you elaborate on this a little and give us an indication when this would become available in the Custom Reports. We are specifically interested in having the External System Reference in the Financial Transactions Export.



Forum User

Also, there seems to be some confusion in terminology:

in the Custom Export, the terms "External System" and "External System Reference" point to say a Channel Manager, and the reference number, 

whereas in Financial Data there is an "External Reference Number" which is still something completely different.

It would be good to clarify what this "External Reference Number"stands for in Financial Transactions and to add the "External System Reference" to Financial Transactions.

SNT Team

HI Guido,

My apologies for not updating here but they have been added a little while ago - see below example:

You will have to build them into your existing custom exports.


Hope this helps,


Forum User

Thanks Nicki. Unfortunately we are looking fo the External System Reference, associated with a reservation in Financial Data: e.g. the SiteMinder reference for a reservation. 

As far as I can see, the implementation you refer has been applied  to the Custom Export for Reservations only.



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