
Simplify price editing in rate manager

If I want to change the pricing of one room type so that for each day of a week will have a different price I need to click on each day and use the wizard  7 times.  

In Siteminder for example (as with other PMS systems), all I need is to double click, the system goes to edit mode and edit the price in place, please see attached file. This is much faster and cleaner

Forum User

I think it would be great to have boxes with all of the room types that you can check mark to determine which room types you want to adjust.  So, if I want to adjust 3 of my 5 room types to $199, I can just check mark those 3 room types and then change the rate to $199 and this would pull over to those 3 only, vs. having to click into each room type individually.

SNT Team

Hi Yair - Thank you for your suggestion. We have implemented a Rate Editor from Revenue Management > Rate Manager. You can read more about this functionality in the release notes for v5.56.

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