Confirmation Letter - Option to send or not

Submitting feature request on behalf of Valencia Hotels. Valencia would like to see the ability to choose if a guest receives a confirmation letter or not. By default they would like Rover to NOT send confirmation letter but still have the confirmation button on reservations in order to send one if needed. Currently, if you disable auto delivery of confirmation letter the button disappears from the reservation screen. 

Schulte Hospitality would like to see this feature as well. 

SNT Team

Hotel on Rivington would also like to see this enhancement. They use a CRM to send confirmation emails but want to have the ability to re-trigger a confirmation email if requested by the guest from the PMS - but don't want it to auto select to send when making a reservation.

SNT Team

Ebb Tide Oceanfront would also like to see this enhancement. They use a CRM to send confirmation emails but want to have the ability to re-trigger a confirmation email if requested by the guest from the PMS - but don't want it to auto select to send when making a reservation.

SNT Team

Newport Beach Hotel would like to have this as an option too. 

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