
Better workflow on assigning rooms

Since there's no auto-assign yet, and even if there was, we should be able to assign rooms without filters on what's ready.  It should show all rooms, and not just ones that are ready.  It should sort ready ones on top, and dirty ones on bottom.

Our morning workflow could have much less friction if we didn't have to select 'Show Not Ready' for every single reservations.

Do this in conjunction with auto-assign.

SNT Team

Sou'Wester Lodge is looking to streamline their process.  Given that the property has a one to one relationship with room type to room #, the team would are asking for consideration for a way to have the room # auto-assigned to eliminate the extra steps to do so.  Reducing the number of clicks and having the room diary display what is already booked would be very helpful.

Forum User

Can auto-assign prioritize assigning reservations into rooms that are already clean first, rather than placing them in any room?

SNT Team

Auto Assign is available through the diary.

SNT Product Team

SNT Team

Auto Assign is available through the diary.

SNT Product Team

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