
Restriction Needed in the Rate Manager - Allotments/Caps


I can usually figure out workarounds but I'm having trouble here.  I need to be able to put allotments/caps on rate plans.  I'm talking about transient.  This is especially important with channel managers (Siteminder, specifically) where SnT consistently pushes out full availability for room types.

i.e. if I have a static rate with an FIT, I have no way to control it right now.  Many OTAs and FITS cannot control it on their end either.  If I gave an FIT 5 rooms per day, I need to be able to apply that rule somewhere.  I do have a workaround in Synxis, but I use Siteminder for most of this.  So instead of sending 3 rooms per day, SnT constantly pushes out full room type availability for each rate plan.  Which then pushes into Siteminder and overrides anything I program in there.  Which then pushes out to the FIT, which gives them 100 rooms to sell instead of 10.  I understand that some FITs are able to put a hard STOP on that....but most can't.  No matter what they apply on their end, SnT tells Siteminder tells the FIT that they can sell 100 rooms instead of 3.

I'd be fine with you adding it to the rate manager.  Adding it to the rate plan config would not work at this time, as I need to be able to apply allotments by random dates.  Pretend the allotments given changes every day.

This is pretty urgent... :)


Forum User

I still agree with myself here.  :)

Forum User

This is definitely needed!  We cannot dynamically 'Revenue Manage' without this functionality.

Forum User

This is 100% needed for day stay especially, where SynXis and other systems cannot 'read' day stays.

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