Change the Names of Invoices

Would like to change the name of the invoices (now when you send it all the invoices have the name "invoice.pdf). Also, would like to have the invoice number there. I understand that I can do that myself (downloading, change name, save and send) but it would be very convenient when an invoice have automatically an invoice number in the name. 

Forum User

I agree with the above =)

Forum User

We would also much appreciate this development, would save a lot of time!

Forum User

This will help and save so much time!

Forum User


Forum User

A lot of our companies use an automated bill processor which identifies Invoices by Number. 

Currently, we have to print to pdf, change the name to invoice number and send the Invoice by hotel email instead of using Stay n touch direct email option. This is time-consuming 

Email Direct option should output attached PDF by Invoice Number

Forum User

Any Thoughts on this ? Even to add a Reference no to the email that we sent via the system ?

As we are getting replies from the clients about the invoice and we are not able to find out for which invoice they are referring since on the subject there is not reference

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