Rooms & Rates Selection by Room Type: "Best Available Rate"
Nick Endres
started a topic
about 2 months ago
2 people like this idea
Within the Rooms & Rates screen, if categorized by Room Type, before using the drop down to show all rates the user is prompted with the lowest rate in the sequence and is labeled "Best Available Rate". This is deceiving wording, as our base rate at the Sioux Falls ClubHouse is call Best Available Rate. With the Green Book option being right next to this rate, if chosen, it will book the reservation under the lowest rate in the sequence. All other sort options for rates are manipulatable through settings besides this area, I believe it would be beneficial if this was available to change in the settings as well.
Above, "Best Available Rate" showing our lowest rate for the night. Below is our actual Best Available Rate code:
2 people like this idea
Within the Rooms & Rates screen, if categorized by Room Type, before using the drop down to show all rates the user is prompted with the lowest rate in the sequence and is labeled "Best Available Rate". This is deceiving wording, as our base rate at the Sioux Falls ClubHouse is call Best Available Rate. With the Green Book option being right next to this rate, if chosen, it will book the reservation under the lowest rate in the sequence. All other sort options for rates are manipulatable through settings besides this area, I believe it would be beneficial if this was available to change in the settings as well.
Above, "Best Available Rate" showing our lowest rate for the night. Below is our actual Best Available Rate code: