Automatic No show balance

Show up like checked out with balance for ones that are Automatic charged. As it is right now you have to search for them and then deal with it instead of them showing up that they are there and have a balance.

1 Comment

SNT Team

Hi Harmony,

We appreciate your feedback! I will leave this feature request open in hopes that our product team will take your suggestion and add no-shows to the checked out with balance tile on the Dashboard as you suggested. In the meantime though, I wanted to offer a suggestion on how you can easily catch these without a lot of searching.

My favorite way that you can easily see all no-show reservations with a balance is on the Guest Balance Report. I like to schedule it to deliver to my email everyday with the parameter for "RESERVATION STATUS" set to show only Checked Out, No Show, and Cancelled - that helps me to quickly see any reservations with open balances that aren't in house and need to be taken care of. If instead of scheduling and you run it ad-hoc in the system when you have time to review it, you will find the report will be interactive and you can click on the guest's name to be taken right into their reservation so that you don't have to even search for it / look it up! :)

Alternatively, you could monitor the Cancellations & No-Shows report for open balances - just make sure to select the option to include no-shows. I do, however, suggest reviewing the guest balance report as that will help you catch/find/resolve ALL open balances that need to be reviewed.

I hope this helps,


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