Possibility to remove button pages on kiosk to simplify flow
Iris Groenink
started a topic
8 months ago
171 Urban Design Hotel is requesting the possibility to remove the pages with buttons in the flow when there's only one option for the next step. It is not really having a function, and takes up time. They prefer to just click on 'next' and then get the new field straight away. If the only option is to search for the reservation by last name and number of nights, then go to this page straight away rather than first clicking on the icon 'fill out number of nights'. With the step of the passport details, you first have to click on the icon before going to the actual page. It's faster if you skip the 'icon' page.
171 Urban Design Hotel is requesting the possibility to remove the pages with buttons in the flow when there's only one option for the next step. It is not really having a function, and takes up time. They prefer to just click on 'next' and then get the new field straight away. If the only option is to search for the reservation by last name and number of nights, then go to this page straight away rather than first clicking on the icon 'fill out number of nights'. With the step of the passport details, you first have to click on the icon before going to the actual page. It's faster if you skip the 'icon' page.