Commissions: filter goes back to default and ignores selection
Guido Hulsbosch
started a topic
7 months ago
1 person likes this idea
When a date selection is made (Start Date/End Date) in the filter of the Commissions module, and when a particular reservation is opened, then the filter goes back to default settings. The inital date selection is lost.
This is hardly a feature.
The expectation of a mainstream user is that the filter remains active throughout opening any reservation.
Guido Hulsbosch
for Hotel Van Belle
1 Comment
Nicki Dehler
5 months ago
SNT Team
WIP - one of the next releases - thanks for pointing it out!
1 person likes this idea
When a date selection is made (Start Date/End Date) in the filter of the Commissions module, and when a particular reservation is opened, then the filter goes back to default settings. The inital date selection is lost.
This is hardly a feature.
The expectation of a mainstream user is that the filter remains active throughout opening any reservation.
Guido Hulsbosch
for Hotel Van Belle