Navigating back to the Room Diary should keep applied filters always (even if change was made on Stay Card)
1 Comment
Requested by Botanic Antwerp as well. They mentioned that if you apply a filter, and then open 1 stay card and go back to the room diary, the filter stays. However, if you open a second stay card and then move back to the room diary, the filter breaks. The filter should keep no matter how many stay cards you open.
When using the Room Diary, the filters are very helpful but the navigation could be improved reduce having to reapply filters when actively working in it.
When you have filters applied and navigate into a Stay Card from the Room Diary, if you DO NOT make a change on the Stay Card and navigate back out to the Room Diary using the button in the top left corner of the screen, your filters stay applied.
When you have filters applied and navigate into a Stay Card from the Room Diary, if you DO make a change on the Stay Card and navigate back out to the Room Diary using the button in the top left corner of the screen, your filters re-set.
It would be desirable if when you make a change on the Stay Card, the logic is applied to keep the filters applied when you navigate back to the Room Diary.
Requested by EOS Hospitality - Red Jacket Resorts & Kennebunkport Resort Collection