default any groups that are created in Stayntouch to make sure they are ‘Closed’ accounts
Sarike den den Breeker
started a topic
12 months ago
Reported by JCB Golf and Country Club
"The reason we would like them to be automatically closed upon creation is because all of the groups/accounts created on a booking raise an available account on the till which shouldn’t be used as everything is charged to a member account already created. A golf day for example is created however it will be charged to their member account, so our staff may accidentally charge something to the golf day account when it should all go to the member account. It also creates a mess in terms of searching on the tills trying to find the correct account, as the names continuously add up if not closed straight away."
Reported by JCB Golf and Country Club
"The reason we would like them to be automatically closed upon creation is because all of the groups/accounts created on a booking raise an available account on the till which shouldn’t be used as everything is charged to a member account already created. A golf day for example is created however it will be charged to their member account, so our staff may accidentally charge something to the golf day account when it should all go to the member account. It also creates a mess in terms of searching on the tills trying to find the correct account, as the names continuously add up if not closed straight away."