Late Check Out Tile Should Populate on Dashboard For All Late Check-Outs
7 CommentsSorted by Newest First
Any latest update on the Late checkout tab ??
Yes Please!
Requested by Hotel Zephyr too.
Requested by Surf Hotel too.
Request by Hotel Juliani too
This is also requested by Hotel Zephyr
Requested by Botanic as well
4 people like this idea
Current the stayntouch dashboard only displays the late check out tile if a guest requests a late check out via mobility or an add-on has been added to the reservation for a late check out. There are many scenarios where the hotel might decide to offer a complimentary late check out and update the departure time.
Request: When a system user modifies the departure time to exceed the property defined departure time, the reservation should appear in the late check out tile independently of an add-on being applied to the reservation.
Reference ticket: StayNTouch Ticket #116081 - Late Check Out Not Populating in the Late Check out Tile on Dashboard