"NOTES" button on reservations are NOT very visable.
Ann Marie Flores
started a topic 2 years ago
2 people like this idea
Please make the "NOTES" button on the reservation page "pop" up when we click on a reservation. Or at the very least "color" the "NOTES" button completely with red, yellow, blue so we can see a reservation has notes. The way it is currently in SNT is too light colored and vague and small. It is an important feature on the guest reservation and should stand out to us. We are missing seeing "notes" for guests because you can barely notice the "NOTES" button as it is now. Please fix.
2 people like this idea
Please make the "NOTES" button on the reservation page "pop" up when we click on a reservation. Or at the very least "color" the "NOTES" button completely with red, yellow, blue so we can see a reservation has notes. The way it is currently in SNT is too light colored and vague and small. It is an important feature on the guest reservation and should stand out to us. We are missing seeing "notes" for guests because you can barely notice the "NOTES" button as it is now. Please fix.