We need to be able to change the order of the three last specifications here to the following:
1. Net Amount 2. Total Tax Incl 3. Balance
The reason being that most customers ERP systems have an automated default set up an to read invoices final line here – so as it’s set now their ERP systems are reading the “Tax incl” as the Total Amount Due and are only paying the amount of the Tax incl as the total for the Bill.
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Requested by First Hotels
We need to be able to change the order of the three last specifications here to the following:
1. Net Amount
2. Total Tax Incl
3. Balance
The reason being that most customers ERP systems have an automated default set up an to read invoices final line here – so as it’s set now their ERP systems are reading the “Tax incl” as the Total Amount Due and are only paying the amount of the Tax incl as the total for the Bill.