Auto Routing for Booking.Com Ref :- 2170176720 (Hotel Ref :- 121224)


Room 821 booked from 25-11-22 to 27-12-22 was booking with payment instructions as Check-Payment i.e. payment at Hotel.

1. The original booking was received on 19-09-2022

2. Later we received modification on 25-11-2022, where the booking was switched to routing without any manual intervention.

3. Due to the routing made by the system, guests ended up checking without paying as the Kiosk did not ask for payment since it  showed routing for payment instructions.

4. This caused inconvenience in the operations and to the guest as well, as we had to call the guest and ask her to come down and pay for her booking.

I would request you to kindly look into this matter and fix the issue, as issues like these are likely to cause monetary loss to the Hotel and inconvenience to the staff as well. Please find below mentioned the snapshot for your reference;

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