Placing actions on multiple reservations within a Room Block
Casi Hamilton
started a topic 3 years ago
Dear Partner,
A feature that I feel is badly needed relates to placing bulk actions on every reservation within a room block. Frequently wedding blocks will bring us gift bags, resulting in a need for actions on each reservation to note what type of bag they should be getting. At present, the only way to do this is to go into each individual reservation and add the actions one at a time. On a room block with upwards of 50 guests this can be very time consuming and it would be much more convenient to have one place to input that info for all.
Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter,
Dear Partner,
A feature that I feel is badly needed relates to placing bulk actions on every reservation within a room block. Frequently wedding blocks will bring us gift bags, resulting in a need for actions on each reservation to note what type of bag they should be getting. At present, the only way to do this is to go into each individual reservation and add the actions one at a time. On a room block with upwards of 50 guests this can be very time consuming and it would be much more convenient to have one place to input that info for all.
Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter,
Cas Hamilton