When we have multiple rate reservations, the statistics for the rate codes used are recorded on the night that the statistics are generated.
stay date 01 Jan RACK
stay date 02 Jan BAR
stay date 03 Jan PROMO
In our statistics we record these as they are, RACK, BAR, PROMO
However, we do not have the same logic for Market Codes. If we change the market code under additional details on the stay card, the market code of the previous nights stayed are also updated to the new Market Code
Can we get the logic for the demographics updated so that it matches the rate code logic?
The business case scenario for this is a Corporate Guest who extends they stay for a leisure weekend. At the moment to record the Market Code statistics correctly, they need to create a new reservation. Particularly for hotels without front desks, this is not a straightforward process.
Demographics should be locked and generated at the time EOD runs, and not possible to be manually changed after the stay. There are external systems that get data at EOD (eg: Profitsword) which then doesn't balance to PMS at month end if users are freely able to change market/source codes etc.
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When we have multiple rate reservations, the statistics for the rate codes used are recorded on the night that the statistics are generated.
stay date 01 Jan RACK
stay date 02 Jan BAR
stay date 03 Jan PROMO
In our statistics we record these as they are, RACK, BAR, PROMO
However, we do not have the same logic for Market Codes. If we change the market code under additional details on the stay card, the market code of the previous nights stayed are also updated to the new Market Code
Can we get the logic for the demographics updated so that it matches the rate code logic?
The business case scenario for this is a Corporate Guest who extends they stay for a leisure weekend. At the moment to record the Market Code statistics correctly, they need to create a new reservation. Particularly for hotels without front desks, this is not a straightforward process.
Demographics should be locked and generated at the time EOD runs, and not possible to be manually changed after the stay. There are external systems that get data at EOD (eg: Profitsword) which then doesn't balance to PMS at month end if users are freely able to change market/source codes etc.
Requested by Aries Living.