

Is there a way that we can input a pop-up message to appear when opening a reservation, similar to the deposit now/later option for instances where, for example, a room stay has all charges paid by credit card authorization form on file, or charge for incidentals only, or for flagged guests that we have a 'do not rent' order on. It would be a major convenience for my staff aside from notes on the reservation.

1 Comment

SNT Team

Hi Jorge,

Great news! Stayntouch now offers an Alerts functionality with our new redesigned notes - you should see this enabled for your property this week.

  • The notes and actions sections on the stay card have now been moved to the left side of the screen to easily identify notes and actions for a reservation.

  • Eliminates the need to click on the respective sections to open and view any notes or actions.

  • Users can change a note to an alert to have a more prominent display on top of the stay card.

  • "Shared" notes and alerts can be enabled for Guest Cards, Company Cards, and Travel Agent Cards that will appear on the Stay Cards when applicable.

  • For a detailed on-screen overview of the changes to notes and actions, you can watch this video here.

If we can be of any further assistance, our support team is available 24/7. We hope you enjoy this new game-changing feature!

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