Upgrade Rover Windows Service To Latest Version Now If The Current Version Is Not

The latest version is Check your current version of Rover Service here. Please upgrade the version by February 5, 2022.

Upgrade to Latest Version:

  1. Ensure you are logged in as an administrator for the workstation (NOT as a normal user with admin credentials).

  2. Click here while holding the Control key (for Windows), OR copy and paste this URL (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WLcUcTjWHMaZX_T_Ta1g6NvfrX4IJDGb?usp=sharing) into a Google Chrome browser, to access the setup.exe file and download it to your local workstation to begin installing the latest Rover Service file to your machine.

  3. Double click on the setup.exe file to execute the file.

  4. Follow the prompts on the Wizard and finish.

  5. This will upgrade your Rover Service to the latest version (


  • This only needs to be done on each Front Desk terminal that has a credit card device attached. 

  • This upgrade is to ensure your Rover Service has the latest certificate updates needed to allow continued communication between your workstation and credit card swipers (swipes and EMV). For more detailed steps please refer to the solution here.

  • Please contact Customer Support for any additional questions.