Check in all guests at specified time (not tied to ETA)

Guests are confused when they don't have their room info by a certain time. This happens when a guest sets a late ETA during the self check-in process - let's say 10pm. Because the system only allows us to send room info out a max of 5 hours in advance, guests who are arriving late get their room info sent later also. 

It would eliminate this guest confusion if we had an option to send all room check-in emails out at, say, 3:30pm each day - regardless of what ETA the guest told us. 

The problem is further exacerbated because, when a guest is arriving late at night (after front desk has closed) they are more anxious about their arrival and not having the room info sent until 5 or 6pm drives them to call staff to make sure they get their info before the front desk closes. This creates more work for the staff that would likely be eliminated if we could uncouple the ETA from the time guests are auto-checked in.

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