Rooms to clean from the day before
3 CommentsSorted by Newest First
There are two ways you can achieve this with current functionality. The second option listed below will be the best for most hotels.
The first way is to create a new work type called "Dirty From Yesterday" or "Dropped Rooms" and then to add a new task with the same name; ensure the settings on the task for Reservation Status, FO Status, Room Status, and Task Interval Frequency are set this way:
However, depending on your operational needs, you may end up seeing some duplicate tasks if you run boards after guests check out which may be problematic for some hotels. Therefore, the second option is to edit your existing Departure Clean task to include both departures and dropped rooms. To do so, ensure the Reservation Status, FO Status, Room Status, and Task Interval Frequency are set this way:Yes please! Often times we have some dropped rooms and we are unable to properly assign the room the next day, or even after that. Thank you
Would like to see this function too!
In our case as we clean rooms every 3 days, it would mean that the cleaning cycle will have to change as well.
3 people like this idea
Thank you very much.