
Customized Reports

Dear Team,

Greetings from MOOONS Vienna.

When customizing a report one can select a filter for example "Duration" and a set of date ranges in the drop down are offered.

I was wondering if any of the following options could be added to drop down menu:

  • Current month+12 months
  • today+365 days (from today)
  • last 30 days+365 days (from today)

Thank you very much in advance.

Best regards,

1 Comment

SNT Team

Hi Fiona!

Per a release in the last year or so, Current month + 12 months is now an option, and next 365 days actually includes today plus the next 365 days. For your request for last 30 days - I would suggest running two custom exports - 1 set to the last 30 days and one set to the next 365 days.

Hope this helps!


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