It would be extremely helpful for one to be able to filter the business on the books report by room type. Not all bookable room types are grouped into our hotel inventory. Our business on the books reports must be manually calculated to get correct occupancy numbers for each report. Our normal room inventory does not include our meeting spaces and co-working desks, but the report still factors them into the total occupancy numbers.
1 Comment
David Tanbouz
2 months ago
SNT Team
Tamarind Hills Resort and Villas would like this report as well.
1 person likes this idea
Hi there,
I hope this is an easy one.
It would be extremely helpful for one to be able to filter the business on the books report by room type. Not all bookable room types are grouped into our hotel inventory. Our business on the books reports must be manually calculated to get correct occupancy numbers for each report. Our normal room inventory does not include our meeting spaces and co-working desks, but the report still factors them into the total occupancy numbers.